18/11/2018 – Classroom practice and competitions for schools
We publish the following educational proposals for schools:
- the Grandparents Association 2.0, in collaboration with Time magazine, offers students the contest titled "me and my grandparents: experiences and reflections ": Competition Rules 2018
- the Association for human rights and tolerance Onlus, calls on the classes to participate in the fourth edition of "Short for human rights": http://www.uncortoperidirittiumani.it/?page_id=28854
- the Association the Necklace has the creative writing Contest Tancredi insane of love, edited by Andrea Pacilli Publisher: scrittura_AndreaPacilliEditore contest
- the Ministry of education, through the Directorate General for the student, the integration and participation, offers a series of competitions and contests for students in collaboration with institutions, associations and foundations: http://www.miur.gov.it/web/guest/competizioni-e-concorsi-per-studenti. In particular, We note the following competitions:
- Caritas Italiana – National competition "Communities that share: We create links ";
- Fondazione Giacomo Matteotti and Filippo Turati Stosici Studies Foundation – Remember Giacomo Matteotti and his testimony of freedom and democracy;
- Fondazione Premio Giovanni Grillo " – "Italy repudiates war – today as yesterday";
- Documentation centre Archives Flamigni, MIBACT – National competition "traces of memory – Fifth Edition".
- the Foundation offers a literary contest in Lucrezia Tangorra 3 Words: http://www.fondazionelucreziatangorra.org/index.php/concorso
- the Italian Association for Informatics and automatic computation (AICA) offers the national competition "Actors of your health", within the framework of the educational Ministry of education – Lilt, "Gain health with LILT": AICA-LILT contest announcement
the College offers a ONE-DAY "competition FROM Venice Surveyors SURVEYOR: HOW DO I IMPROVE MY SCHOOL "aimed at grade 7 grade 1 's secondary schools of the province of Venice: Regulation Competition VE
Assovetro and Coreve offer the Surfing project Glass, on health issues, food safety and glass recycling: Surfinglass_regolamento
U.S. R. for the Veneto transmits the public notice for submission of project proposals aimed at the development of the measures set out in “The three-year plan of the arts”: http://www.istruzioneveneto.it/wpusr/archives/101743
The regional school for the Veneto region – the Office – Ambito Territoriale di Venezia offers the initiative “We tell health with 6th”: locandina_Raccontiamo health with 6th
The Headmaster Regent
Daniela MAZZA