Last review: 20 October 2016
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > PARENTS > 19/10/2016 – Communicated to the parents of class II A, II B, IV A, V A and V B “Dante Alighieri Plexus”

19/10/2016 – Communicated to the parents of class II A, II B, IV A, V A and V B “Dante Alighieri Plexus”

You publish the communiqué addressed to parents of pupils of classes II to, II B, IV A, V A and V B of the Plexus “Dante Alighieri”


We inform parents that the municipal administration is by ensuring that there is a speedy solution of the problem Monday, 17 October u.s.. at the "Dante Alighieri".


The Headmaster Regent

Willie MASON