Last review: 11 January 2019


11 January 19 Article

11/01/2019 Warning # 6: determine selection expert educational guidance activities

You publish the resolution. 6 relating to the notice of selection of a psychologist expert for school orientation activities The Regent School Director Daniela MAZZA Determination n.6

10 January 19 Article

10/01/2019 – Supplementary contract hypothesis Institute a.s.. 2018/2019

Si pubblica l’ipotesi relativa al contratto integrativo d’istituto siglata in data 10/01/2019, corredata dalla relazione tecnico-finanziaria del DSGA e la relazione del dirigente scolastico. Ipotesi contratto integrativo Istituto FIRMATO_-Relazione_illustrativa_a_corredo_della_contrattazione_istituto_18_19 FIRMATO_-Relazione_tecnica_finanziaria_a_corredo_della_contrattazione_istituto_18_19

10 January 19 Article

10/01/2019 – Resolution. 5 training course coding – educational Robotics

You publish the resolution. 5 corso formazione coding – robotica educativa Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.5

10 January 19 Article

10/01/2019 – Resolution. 4 Digital teachers training course

You publish the resolution. 4 digital training course for teaching staff The Headmaster Daniela MAZZA Determination n.4

7 January 19 Article

07/01/2019 – Convocation SUW for the day Thursday, 10/01/2019 hours 15.30

You publish the convening day of MSW 10/01/2019 hours 15.30 Convocation SUW for the day 10-01-2019 The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

3 January 19 Article

03/01/2019 – Resolution. 3 warning selecting music expert childhood Plexus

You publish the resolution. 3 warning selecting music expert childhood Plexus the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 3

3 January 19 Article

03/01/2019 – Indicator average time of payment : 4 quarter 2018 and year index 2018

You publish the indicator average time of payment for the 4 quarter 2018 and the overall indicator for the year 2018. Indicator 4 quarter 2018 year indicator 2018   The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

3 January 19 Article

03/01/2019 – Resolution. 2 for project selection warning expert psychologist Cyberbullying and listening

You publish the resolution. 2 for project selection warning expert psychologist Cyberbullying and listen the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 2

3 January 19 Article

03/01/2019 – Resolution. 1 its customer service year 2019 Argo management software

You publish the resolution. 1 its customer service year 2019 software management Argo the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 1