Last review: 24 November 2023


24 November 23 Article

Prot.n.10710- Announcement of assignment of bus rental service with driver educational visits in the school year. 2023-2024.

Si pubblica il bando in oggetto con scadenza 11 December 2023 at 12.00. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Marialuisa Favaro

24 November 23 Article

Determine n. 56 – Notice for bus rental assignment for educational visits 23-24.

You publish the resolution. 56 for the object. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Marialuisa Favaro

24 November 23 Article

Determine n. 55 – Extension of photocopier rental for teaching L. Da Vinci

You publish the resolution. 55 for the object. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Favaro Marialuisa

24 November 23 Article

Determine n. 54 – Pnrr inventory labels.

You publish the resolution. 54 for the object. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Favaro Marialuisa

24 November 23 Article

Determines # 53 – T-shirt for sports activities 23/24.

You publish the resolution. 53 for the object. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Favaro Marialuisa

22 November 23 Article

Replica plenaria documentazione lancio tema 6 December 2023

22 November 23 Article

Esonero per partecipazione al Forum “Lo studio delle discipline teleologiche in Italia tra XX e XXI secolo

22 November 23 Article


22 November 23 Article

Bando madrelingua inglese infanzia

16 November 23 Article

Bando RSPP A.S. 23-24_PAROLARI (1)