Last review: 30 July 2016
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > TRANSPARENT AMM.NE > Calls for tender and contracts > 29/07/2016 -n. 71 Finding teachers transferred or assigned to geographic areas for a three-year term

29/07/2016 -n. 71 Finding teachers transferred or assigned to geographic areas for a three-year term


The Ministry of education, University and research, with note prot. n. 2609 of 22 July 2016, He provided operational guidelines for finding teachers transferred or assigned to geographical areas and the conferment of assignments of staff interpreters in education Bachelor told, together with the timing.

It is reported below, for appropriate knowledge, the note text above, Annex concerning the timing , of the criteria required by the Institute and the type of vacancies and determines management.


2015-2016-table-call- -1-ok.


n. 71 Three-year faculty appointment discovery determines

Finding teachers three-year appointment