Last review: 9 November 2021
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Institute Hall of Fame

Institute Hall of Fame

Data Act

Body holding the Act Istituto Comprensivo Statale “G. Gabrieli” Mirano VE
Bulletin Number 0000034/2020
Reference code Prot. n. 7898 – Public notice for the finding of an expert for the assignment of the psychological counseling service a.s,,it,_21,,en,Proclamation of the elected Councils of the class of secondary school Leonardo da Vinci,,it,headquarters and branch of Scaltenigo,,it,a.s.2020-2021,,en,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of San Pellico primary school,,it,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of primary school A,,it,Proclamation of the elected Councils of Interclass primary school G.Carducci,,it,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of Dante Alighieri primary school,,it,Proclamation of the elected Intersection Councils for preschool via Wolf Ferrari,,it,Proclamation of the elected Intersection Councils for preschool via Meneghetti,,it,Electoral Commission Decree,,it. 2020_21
Object Public notice for the finding of an expert for the assignment of the psychological counseling service a.s,,it,_21,,en,Proclamation of the elected Councils of the class of secondary school Leonardo da Vinci,,it,headquarters and branch of Scaltenigo,,it,a.s.2020-2021,,en,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of San Pellico primary school,,it,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of primary school A,,it,Proclamation of the elected Councils of Interclass primary school G.Carducci,,it,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of Dante Alighieri primary school,,it,Proclamation of the elected Intersection Councils for preschool via Wolf Ferrari,,it,Proclamation of the elected Intersection Councils for preschool via Meneghetti,,it,Electoral Commission Decree,,it. 2020_21
Registration date 17/11/2020
Publication start date 17/11/2020
Publication end date 17/11/2021
Data oblio 01/01/2026
Responsible Organizational Unit
Responsible for the administrative procedure
Category Calls and tenders
Meta Give,,hr,Subjects,,it,Procedure Manager,,it,English language expert finding notice I degree SIGNED-selection-expert-English-language-I-degree.pdf File not found,,it,the file has been deleted or moved,,it


Responsabile Procedimento

Persona Torromeo Rosa


File Pdf

Description: Prot. n. 7898 – Public notice for the finding of an expert for the assignment of the psychological counseling service a.s,,it,_21,,en,Proclamation of the elected Councils of the class of secondary school Leonardo da Vinci,,it,headquarters and branch of Scaltenigo,,it,a.s.2020-2021,,en,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of San Pellico primary school,,it,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of primary school A,,it,Proclamation of the elected Councils of Interclass primary school G.Carducci,,it,Proclamation of the elected Interclass Councils of Dante Alighieri primary school,,it,Proclamation of the elected Intersection Councils for preschool via Wolf Ferrari,,it,Proclamation of the elected Intersection Councils for preschool via Meneghetti,,it,Electoral Commission Decree,,it. 2020_21
Prot.-n.-7898-Avviso-pubblico-per-il-reperimento-di-esperto-per-affidameto-del-servizio-di-consulenza-psicologgica-a.s.-2020_21.pdf (2 MB)
Download annex

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Decreto di Indizione delle elezioni del Consiglio di Istituto per il triennio 2021-2024

Filing of lists with voting rights