Last review: 16 October 2015
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Institute Hall of Fame > Institute Hall of Fame (Historian)

Institute Hall of Fame (Historian)

Data Act

Atto Annullato dal Responsabile del Procedimento


Body holding the Act Istituto Comprensivo Statale “G. Gabrieli” Mirano VE
Bulletin Number 0000002/2024
Reference code Prot. 1671
Object Expression of interest for direct assignment of PNRR 1.4 – School dropout
Registration date 15/02/2024
Publication start date 15/02/2024
Publication end date 19/02/2024
Data oblio 01/01/2030
Applicant Dirigente Scolastico
Responsible Organizational Unit Comprehensive School “G. G”
Responsible for the administrative procedure Rosa Torromeo
Category Calls and tenders
Meta Give,,hr,Subjects,,it,Procedure Manager,,it,English language expert finding notice I degree SIGNED-selection-expert-English-language-I-degree.pdf File not found,,it,the file has been deleted or moved,,it


File Pdf

Description: Manifestazione di interesse per affidamento diretto PNRR_1.4
Imprint: 139ae59d7bc91db476b5c874784c4ef8436a1555cea8246c86512ad4ae5a2222
timbro_FIRMATO_Manifestazione-di-interesse-per-affidamento-diretto-PNRR_1.4.pdf File non trovato, il file è stato cancellato o spostato!

Information: The fingerprint of the files is calculated with the SHA256 algorithm at the time of upload