Last review: 16 October 2015
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Institute Hall of Fame > Institute Hall of Fame (Historian)

Institute Hall of Fame (Historian)

Data Act

Body holding the Act Istituto Comprensivo Statale “G. Gabrieli” Mirano VE
Bulletin Number 0000007/2024
Reference code Prot. n. 9210
Object Interpello nazionale per la copertura di n. 1 posto a 24 ore fino al 09/12/2024 in qualità di docente di sostegno
Registration date 18/09/2024
Publication start date 18/09/2024
Publication end date 20/09/2024
Data oblio 01/01/2030
Responsible Organizational Unit Comprehensive School “G. G”
Responsible for the administrative procedure Rosa Torromeo
Category Rankings
Meta Give,,hr,Subjects,,it,Procedure Manager,,it,English language expert finding notice I degree SIGNED-selection-expert-English-language-I-degree.pdf File not found,,it,the file has been deleted or moved,,it

Documenti firmati

File Pdf

Description: Interpello nazionale per la copertura di n. 1 posto a 24 ore fino al 09/12/2024 in qualità di docente di sostegno
Imprint: ec4c475ccaf0200ac78cddaef602181e8cee45259094379db378d431610112dd
FIRMATO_INTERPELLO-PRIMARIA-SOSTEGNO-timbro_Interpello_EEDE_suppl_breve_fino_09_12_24-1.pdf (91 KB)
Download annex


File Pdf

Description: Modello A da compilare
Imprint: 8dcefe02e64ccdf95c35cfcdeb60328a7ba3fdfc8b84d9ea485768089e4ec42f
mod.-allegato-A-interpello-sostegno_1.pdf (27 KB)
Download annex

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