Last review: 28 November 2024

Acts of concession

Normative References

Dlgs 33/2013 – Article 26, subparagraph 2 – Art. 27 – Obblighi di pubblicazione degli atti di concessione di sovvenzioni, contributions, grants and allocation of economic benefits to individuals and public and private
2. Public administrations publish the acts of grants, contributions, grants and financial AIDS to enterprises, and economic benefits of any kind to persons and public and private bodies within the meaning of article 12 of law. 241 of 1990, of more than a thousand euros.
Art. 27 – Obblighi di pubblicazione dell’elenco dei soggetti beneficiari
1. The publication referred to in article 26, subparagraph 2, necessarily cover, for the purposes of subparagraph 3 the same article:
in) the name of company or institution and their tax data or other recipient;
b) the amount of economic benefit paid;
c) the norm or the title of the grant-based;
d) the Office and the officer or Director responsible for its administrative procedure;
and) How followed for the identification of the beneficiary;
f ) the link to the selected project and the curriculum of the subject in charge.

L’istituto non ha documenti da pubblicare in quanto non rientrano nei
vincoli relativi alla specifica macrovoce, importi superiori a 1000 Euro.