Last review: 3 November 2021

Calls for tender and contracts

3 November 21

Determine n. 84 – D.L. 41 of 22.03.2021 subparagraph 6 – Computer equipment-

You publish the resolution. 84 relativa all’acquisto di materiale informatico. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 November 21

Determine n. 83 – D.L. 41 pursuant to article 31 paragraph 6 – Material for the Institute's gyms.

Si pubblica la delibera n. 83 relating to the purchase of equipment for the Institute's gyms. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 November 21

Determine n. 82 – Insurance premium for pupils and school staff.

You publish the resolution. 82 relativa al premio per assicurazione alunni e personale della scuola. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 November 21

Determine n. 81 – Telephony material :n. 2 cordless .

Si pubblica la delibera n. 81 purchase no. 2 cordless per i plessi L. Da Vinci e D. Alighieri. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

25 October 21

Dissemination – ESF-PON Axis II-Education Infrastructure-ERDF-REACT EU.

Axis V-Investment Priority Action 13.1.1 “Structured and safe wiring inside school buildings” Public notice protocol n. 20480 of 20/07/2021 creation of local networks, wired and wireless in schools. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

19 October 21

Determine n. 80 -Recruitment to t.d.. with Covid staff pursuant to art. 58 paragraph 4-ter and 4-quater of Legislative Decree 73/2021

You publish the resolution. 80 relating to fixed-term employment with Covid staff referred to in Article 58, paragraph 4-ter e 4 -quater of Legislative Decree. 73/2021. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

19 October 21

Determine n. 79- D.L. 41 ex art.31 c.1 – Room cleaning devices

You publish the resolution. 79 relativa all’acquisto di dispositivi per la pulizia dei plessi. Il Dirigente Scolastica Daniela Mazza

19 October 21

Determine n. 78 – Purchase Ricoh Priport Ink Jp-12 for plexus da Vinci mimeograph.

You publish the resolution. 78 purchase no. 5 cartucce inchiostro per ciclostile Ricoh Priport Ink JP-12 600ml. per funzionamento ciclostile presso il plesso L. da Vinci. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

19 October 21

Determine n. 77- Upgrade from Argo presences Win to Argo presences Web.

You publish the resolution. 77 relativa alla procedura di upgrade da argo presenze Win a Argo presenze Web. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

7 October 21

09/09/2021 – Determine n. 67- Argo Software assistance package n. 12 contacts.

You publish the resolution. 67 relativa alla fornitura di un pacchetto di n. 12 contatti per assistenza Argo Software. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela Mazza