Last review: 12 April 2018

Calls for tender and contracts

12 April 18

12/04/2018 – Resolution. 53 relating to custody assignment RSPP 2018/2019

You publish the resolution. 53 relating to custody assignment RSPP 2018/2019 Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.53 per affidamento incarico RSPP

12 April 18

12/04/2018 – Resolution. 52 its cost copies I ^ quarter 2018 photocopier kindergarten Wolf Ferrari

You publish the resolution. 52 its cost copies I ^ quarter 2018 fotocopiatore scuola dell’infanzia Wolf Ferrari Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.52

5 April 18

05/04/2018 – Resolution. 51 concerning the visit education and teaching 1sez class. B school Dante Alighieri Farm "Stralisco" Zero Branco

You publish the resolution. 51 concerning the visit education and teaching 1sez class. B school Dante Alighieri Farm "Stralisco" Zero Branco the headmaster Regent Daniela BAT # 51 – Determina visita istruzione e laboratorio fattoriaìZero Branco

5 April 18

05/04/2018 – Resolution. 50 concerning the visit education and laboratory activities grades 5th sez. A-C scuola Dante Alighieri Museum Montebelluna

You publish the resolution. 50 concerning the visit education and laboratory activities grades 5th sez. A-C scuola Dante Alighieri Museum Montebelluna head teacher Regent Daniela BAT # 50 – Visiting Montebelluna Museum statement determines

3 April 18

03/04/2018 – Resolution. 49 request technical assistance for fiber optic connectivity scuola Leonardo da Vinci

You publish the resolution. 49 request technical assistance for fiber optic connectivity scuola Leonardo da Vinci the headmaster Regent Daniela BAT # 49 – Determines technical intervention for fiber connectivity venue Leonardo

29 March 18

29/03/2018 Public notice procurement expert Privacy 2018

You publish as received from the Liceo Statale “G. Galilei” of malice (VE). The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA public notice procurement expert Privacy2018

28 March 18

28-03-2018 – Determines # 48 visit education Park talking trees

You publish the resolution. 48 on the supply visit education classes first scuola Dante Park talking trees the headmaster Regent Daniela BAT # 48 – Visit the park some statement determines

22 March 18

22/03/2018 – Resolution. 47 on the supply of Kit Kiwi Hyperactivity to educational robotics project primary school

You publish the resolution. 47 relativa alla fornitura del Kit Kiwi Iperattività per progetto Robotica educativa scuola primaria Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA determina n.47

22 March 18

22/03/2018 – Resolution. 46 on the Brother printer toner supply secondary school Scaltenigo

You publish the resolution. 46 on the Brother printer toner supply secondary school Scaltenigo the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA determines # 46

15 March 18

15/03/2018 – Resolution. 45 provision of a link for the FTCC connectivity including router

You publish the resolution. 45 provision of a link for the FTCC connectivity including router. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 45