Last review: 24 January 2018

Calls for tender and contracts

24 January 18

Workplace safety courses

You publish as received from’ ITCS “L.B. ALBERTI” di San Donà di Piave (VE). IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Domanda di partecipazione Corsi di Sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro ALL. 1 BIS SCHEDA ANAGRAFICA ESPERTO

24 January 18

Public notice for obtaining German teachers

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto dall’ITSC “L.b. Alberti” San Donà di Piave-VE. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA public notice for obtaining German teachers

24 January 18

NOTICE of SELECTION for RECRUITMENT of TEACHERS to TUTOR UNDER the COLLABORATION of MULTIPLE PROJECT PON ESF-projects of social inclusion and the fight against discomfort

You publish as received from comprehensive school “To. Zara” of Oriago di Mira-VE. The headmaster Regent Daniela BAT Call PON-social inclusion projects –

24 January 18

ESTERNO_Matematica EXPERT for all notice PON _

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto dall’ITSC “Leon Battista Alberti” San Donà di Piave-VE-. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Notice PON _ EXPERT ESTERNO_Matematica for all

24 January 18

24/01/2018 – Resolution. 5 rental photocopier Kyocera primary Carducci

You publish the determines primary 5 on the Kyocera # fotocopiaotore rental Carducci the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 5

17 January 18

IC Nievo call experts to upgrade English and German

You publish as received from comprehensive school “The. Nievo” san donà di Piave – VE. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA IC Nievo CALL EXPERTS To POT. L. ENGLISH AND GERMAN QUESTION PARTICIPATION CALL FOR POT. L. ENGLISH AND GERMAN

17 January 18

School staff recruitment notice under multiple collaboration for project PON ESF n. 10862 of 16-09-2016

You publish as received from comprehensive school “To. Zara” Mira. The headmaster Regent Daniela BAT selection warning

16 January 18

16/01/2018 – Resolution. 4 obtaining expert planning activity Cyberbullying

You publish procurement specialist for resolution No. 4 on Cyberbullying activities the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 4

15 January 18

15/01/2018 – Resolution. 3 contract maintenance and service programs Spaggiari – Infoschool year 2018

You publish the resolution. 3 on the contract for the servicing and maintenance Spaggiari Programs – Infoschool year 2018 The headmaster Regent Daniela FIRMATO_n. BAT 3 – Determines contract renewal Salehi – Infoschool year 2018 signed digit

10 January 18

10/01/2018 – Resolution. 2 Bullying & cyber bullying project material scuola Dante Alighieri

You publish the resolution. 2 to purchase material for project Bullying & cyber bullying the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 2