Last review: 12 December 2017

Calls for tender and contracts

12 December 17


You publish as received from comprehensive school “Giovanni XXIII°” di Pianiga. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA SEGNATURA_1512660972_SEGNATURA_1512656385_BANDO DI GARA LABORATORI SCIENZE

12 December 17


You publish as received from comprehensive school “Giovanni XXIII°” di Pianiga. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA SEGNATURA_1512661786_BANDO CORSI SCRITTURA CREATIVA

12 December 17

12/12/2017 Obtaining outside assistance project-open school-Dolo _ Warning

You publish as received from the Istituto Comprensivo di Dolo. The headmaster Regent Daniela BAT outside assistance Finding project-open school-Dolo _ Warning Finding outside assistance project-open school-Dolo _ Question Finding outside assistance project-open school-Dolo _ Declaration

11 December 17

11/12/2017 – Resolution. 138 request supply musical material

You publish the resolution. 138 to purchase musical material the headmaster Regent Daniela BAT # 138 Determines purchase musical material site

11 December 17

11/12/2017 – Resolution. 137 purchase screen keyboard scuola Leonardo

You publish the resolution. 137 to purchase a monitor or keyboard the headmaster Regent Daniela BAT # 137 Determines purchase screen keyboard

7 December 17

07/12/2017 – Update assignments outside experts

You publish the update assignments to external experts 07-10-2017 REGISTRO INCARICHI DA PUBBLICARE PERIODO DAL 01_09_2014 Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA

7 December 17

07/12/2017 – Resolution. 136 – expenditure year teller Institute 2017

You publish the resolution. 136 – expenditure year teller Institute 2017 The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 136

7 December 17

07/12/2017 – Resolution. 135 request material supply easy consumption secondary school

You publish the resolution. 135 – material purchase easy consumption secondary school head teacher Regent Daniela MAZZA determines # 135

7 December 17

07/12/2017 – Resolution. 134 ARGO software – maintenance and service agreement year 2018

You publish the resolution. 134 – support and maintenance contract Argo software 2018 The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA determines # 134

7 December 17

07/12/2017 – Resolution. 133 – request supply paper reams plexuses

You publish the resolution. 133 – request supply paper A4-A3 plessi the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA determines # 133