Last review: 10 April 2017

Calls for tender and contracts

6 April 17

06/04/2017 – # 36 determines cost copies Wolf Ferrari

You publish the resolution. 36 per costo copie scuola infanzia Wolf Ferrari Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina 36

3 April 17

03/04/2017 – # 35 Determines to supply fax scuola Dante

You publish the resolution. 35 for supply fax scuola Dante the headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 35 – DANTE ALIGHIERI Plexus supply fax

28 March 17

28/03/2017 – # 34 Determines for tuning pianos home Leonardo

You publish the resolution. 34 on the tuning pianos the headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 34- determines tuning pianos

28 March 17

28/03/2017 – # 33 Determines postage February consumption 2017

You publish the resolution. 33 concerning the shipping month February 2017 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Determines # 33 – Postal service February 2017

23 March 17

23/03/2017 – Professional performance agreement “THEATRE THERAPY project”

Please be advised that in the register is posted on the contract for the project “THEATRE THERAPY”. The Act is so identified: Bulletin Number 18/2017 Date 2017-03-23 Reference code Reg. No contracts. 49 Opera performance contract object FAVORIDO Giorgia publication Start Date 2017-03-23 Publication end date 2018-03-23 Categoria Contratti e convenzioni Inoltre si aggiorna il prospetto degli »

22 March 17

22/03/2017 – Consulting assignments and collaboration

Consulting assignments and collaboration depend on outside parties all public administrations in art. 1, subparagraph 2, Legislative Decree. 165/01 making use of freelancers or outsource consulting assignments for which is provided for a fee are required to publish on its website the name of the consultant, l’oggetto dell’incarico e »

21 March 17

21/03/2017 – n. 32 Determines for teaching at the SEA LIFE Centre Jesolo

You publish the resolution. 32 on the teaching at the SEA LIFE Centre of Jesolo. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON FIRMATO_n. 32 – SEA LIFE Aquarium booking Jesolo

16 March 17

16/03/2017 – # 31 Determines supply paper A4 – A3

You publish the resolution. 31 relativa alla richiesta fornitura carta A4 e A3 Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina n.31

13 March 17

13/03/2017 – # 30 Determines supply outdoor carpet scuola Dante Alighieri

You publish the resolution. 30 request supply outdoor carpet scuola Dante Alighieri the headmaster Regent Willie MASON determines # 30

10 March 17

10/03/2017 – # 29 determines supply Vga card for Lim

You publish the resolution. 29 richiesta fornitura scheda Vga Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina n.29