Last review: 7 September 2016

Calls for tender and contracts

7 September 16

07/09/2016 – n. 80 Determines rental photocopier venue Dante Alighieri

You publish the resolution. 80 relating to the rental of the Kyocera photocopier Leonardo da Vinci headquarters The Regent School Director Bertilla MASON Resolution n.80

7 September 16

07/09/2016 – n. 79 Determines rental fotocopitore Kyocera

You publish the resolution. 79 concerning the rental of photocopier Kyocera seat Leonardo da Vinci Determines # 79 the headmaster Regent Willie MASON

7 September 16

07/09/2016 – # 78 determines material supply consumption duplicator Ricoch

You publish the determines # 78 for the supply of consumables for duplicator Ricoch .   The Regent Headmaster Bertilla MASON Dn. 78 Determines material supply consumption duplicator

2 September 16

02/09/2016 – # 77 Determines for supply registers and transcripts

S publishes determines # 77 for the supply of registers and minutes the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON 77 _ Determines the supply registers and transcripts

30 August 16

30/08/2016 – n. 76 Determines for paper supply

You publish the resolution. 76 on the supply paper. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin n. 76 – Determines for paper supply

5 August 16

04/08/2016 – n. 73 STATE REVENUE transfer sums resulting from accident determines worker

You publish the resolution. 70 relating to the transfer of STATE TREASURY sums for insurance reimbursement for worker injury. La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin n.73_ ERARIO STATO per rimborsi dipendenti in infortunio

2 August 16

01/08/2016 – N. 72 Change causes prot. 5233 of 29/07/2016 for transfer operations lecturer

You publish the resolution. 72 on the amendment of Act prot. 5233 of 29/07/2016 for intervened transferring n. 1 color’ of teaching staff.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin 72_ MODIFICA DETERMINA INDIVIDUAZIONE DOCENTI CONFERIMENTO INCARICO TRIENNALE

29 July 16

29/07/2016 -n. 71 Finding teachers transferred or assigned to geographic areas for a three-year term

NOTICE of the Ministry of education, University and research, with note prot. n. 2609 of 22 July 2016, He provided operational guidelines for finding teachers transferred or assigned to geographical areas and the conferment of assignments of staff interpreters in education Bachelor told, together with the timing. Si riporta qui »

29 July 16

28/07/2016 – n. 70 Determines to INPS-INPDAP

You publish the resolution. 70 in date 28/07/2016 relativa a INPS-INPDAP La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin n. 70 INPS- INPDAP

29 July 16

28/07/2016 – n. 69 Determines postal service Executive for June 2016

You publish the resolution. 69 psotale service of June 2016.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin n. 69 SHIPPING JUNE 2016