Last review: 27 July 2016

Calls for tender and contracts

27 July 16

26/07/2016- n. 68 Determines rental fee photocopier Kyocera seat Leonardo Da Vinci

You publish the resolution. 68 in date 26/07/2016.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin n. 68 Rental photocopier Kyocera seat Leonardo Da Vinci

20 July 16

20/07/2016 – Contract relating to RFQ 1277051 for supply LIM – P. C.

Please be advised that in the register is published the following note: Bulletin Number 36/2016 Date 20/07/2016 Reference code Prot. 5116/C14 dated 20.07.2016 The contract document related to RFQ 1277051 supply LIM RDO contract Object 1277051 publication Start Date supply LIM 20/07/2016 Publication end date 20/07/2017 Notes Conclusion RDO 1277051 Category »

13 July 16

12/07/2016 – Appointment of examiners offers evaluation trip to Munich

You publish the Act of Constitution of the Committee evaluating travel deals on education in Munich.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Nomina commissione valutazione offerte viaggio a MONACO

8 July 16

08/07/2016 – RDO 1277051 for supply LIM school locations

Please be advised that with RdO 1277051 in date 08/07/2016 He proceeded to enact disciplinary MEPA for supply of LIM and p. c. for school locations. The Act shall be published in the register with the following credentials: Bulletin Number 33/2016 Date 08/07/2016 Reference code RdO _ 1277051 – LIM RdO Object MEPA 1277051 Data inizio »

7 July 16

07/07/2016 – n. 66 Determines postal charges may 2016

You publish the resolution. 66 postal service may 2016   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin 66_ POSTE ITALIANE CONSUMI MAGGIO 2016

30 June 16

30/06/2016 – Direct purchase order 43037491 Telecom Italy S.p.A. " for supply installation and configuration of a local network in Convention CONSIP

Please be advised that no act has been entered in the register. 30 in date 30/06/2016 Executive project Cod. Doc. 16NE1271PP – Ver. 0 –07/06/2016 “Telecom Italia S.p.A.” for supply - installation and configuration of a local network in CONSIP agreement for the purpose of adapting the LAN/WLAN network infrastructures to be used in the implementation of the Plan »

30 June 16

30/06/2016 – Educational trip to Munich from 04/7/2016 – 07/10/2016

Please be advised that in the register there are acts 28 / 29 in date 30/06/2016 about: – Determines to contract for the third grade classes education trip to Munich for the period from 4/10/2016 at 7/10/2016; – Letter of invitation to produce offer sent to n. 5 agenzie viaggi per il viaggio »

23 June 16

23/06/2016 – N. 65 Determines the shipping service

You publish the resolution. 65 transport service students the School Leader Monica Cuzzolin 65 _ TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ALUMNI

22 June 16

22/06/2016 – Constitution Committee evaluating bids for insurance

Publishing to Bulletin Board – cat. tenders – the Act of Constitution of the Committee evaluating bids for insurance 2016/2017 The School Director Monica Cuzzolin Number Bulletin Board 27/2016 Date 22/06/2016 Reference code Prot. 4634/C20e on 22/06/2016 Subject Constitution Commission evaluating offers for insurance and service award. Publication start date 22/06/2016 Date »

22 June 16

22/06/2016 – Call external test driver figure

Please be advised that by application below, was posted the notice of selection for external test: The School Director Monica Cuzzolin Number Bulletin Board 26/2016 Date 22/06/2016 Reference code Prot. 4634/C20e on 22/06/2016 – Call external test – PON Programma Operativo Nazionale 2014IT05M2OP001 Oggetto Bando collaudatore esterno Data inizio Pubblicazione 22/06/2016 »