Last review: 28 July 2016

Calls for tender and contracts

21 April 16

21/04/2016 – n. 45 Determines rental photocopier Carducci

You publish the resolution. 45 concerning the rental of photocopier of the venue Campbell. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 45 _ RENT a PHOTOCOPIER CARDUCCI

21 April 16

21/04/2016 – n. 44 Determines to visit “The Princes ' palaces of Mantua”

You publish the resolution. 44 on the visit of “Princes ' palaces of Mantua”. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 44 _ VISIT the palaces of PRINCIPI_MANTOVA

19 April 16

19/04/2016 – Contract specialist for new technologies and parenting

Please be advised that in the REGISTER was published on contract no. 76 related to new technologies and parenting. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin Number Bulletin Board 20/2016 Date 19/04/2016 Reference code Prot. 2355 – Reg. contr. 76 Occasional performance contract object on new technologies and geniatorialità publication Start Date 19/04/2016 Publication end date 19/04/2017 Notes »

15 April 16

15/04/2016 – n. 43 Determines the number of fax toner

You publish the resolution. 43 on the supply of toner for fax. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 43 _ SUPPLY MULTIFUNCTION FAX TONER

13 April 16

13/04/2016 – n. 42 Determines the number of cleaning material for schools

You publish the resolution. 42 on the cleaning material for schools.   The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin 42_ SUPPLY OF CLEANING MATERIAL FOR SCHOOLS INSTITUTE

7 April 16

07/04/2016 – n. 41 Determines the material licensing exams

You publish the resolution. 41 on the material for licensing exams. The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin 41_ SUPPLY OF MATERIAL FOR LICENSE EXAMS

6 April 16

06/04/2016 – n. 40 Causes for childhood plexuses internet sticks

You publish the resolution. 40 concerning internet keys for complexes of kindergarten. The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin 40_ KEYS SUPPLY – SIM SCHOOL CHILDREN WOLF FERRARI AND MENEGHETIT

6 April 16

06/04/2016 – n. 39 Determines for supply asciugapasso rugs

You publish the resolution. 39 on sports teaching material. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 39 _ SUPPLYING CARPETS ASCIUGAPASSO SCUOLA LEONARDO

5 April 16

05/04/2016 – Publication contract RSPP a.s.. 2016/2017

Please note that in section Albo is posted on contract for the conduct of the RSPP service for a. s. 2016/2017. The Act is as follows: Bulletin Number 18/2016 Date 05/04/2016 Reference code Prot. 2327/The c20d 4/4/2016 Publication Start Date HSE contract object 05/04/2016 Publication end date 12/04/2017 Notes Category Calls and tenders The Headmaster »

4 April 16

04/04/2016 – n. 38 Determines the transportation service for guided tour

You publish the resolution. 38 for guided tour. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 38 _ TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ALUMNI