You publish the resolution. 50 for workshops. La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin 50_ LABORATORI GREEN PARK PADOVA
You publish the resolution. 49 on the play in English. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 49 _ PLAY IN ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOL
You publish the resolution. 48 Postal Service March 2016. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 48 _ POSTE ITALIANE MARCH CONSUMPTION 2016
You publish the resolution. 47 on the toner for printer . La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin 47_ FORNITURA TONER STAMPANTE SC. CARDUCCI
You publish the resolution. 46 on the return of contributions for guided tours . The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 46 _ RETURNING UNUSED SUMS GUIDED TOUR
You publish the resolution. 45 concerning the rental of photocopier of the venue Campbell. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 45 _ RENT a PHOTOCOPIER CARDUCCI
You publish the resolution. 44 on the visit of “Princes ' palaces of Mantua”. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 44 _ VISIT the palaces of PRINCIPI_MANTOVA
Please be advised that in the REGISTER was published on contract no. 76 related to new technologies and parenting. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin Number Bulletin Board 20/2016 Date 19/04/2016 Reference code Prot. 2355 – Reg. contr. 76 Occasional performance contract object on new technologies and geniatorialità publication Start Date 19/04/2016 Publication end date 19/04/2017 Notes »
You publish the resolution. 43 on the supply of toner for fax. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 43 _ SUPPLY MULTIFUNCTION FAX TONER
You publish the resolution. 42 on the cleaning material for schools. The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin 42_ SUPPLY OF CLEANING MATERIAL FOR SCHOOLS INSTITUTE