Last review: 17 November 2016


17 November 16

17/11/2016 – # 108 Determines sourcing expert native speakers

You publish the resolution. 108 for expert native English speaker classes III^-IV^-V^ primary school The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON 108_expert-native-English-classes-3-4-5-primary

17 November 16

17/11/2016 – # 107 Determines sourcing expert native speakers

You publish the resolution. 107 for expert native English speaker classes I^-II^ primary The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON 107_expert-native-English-classes-1-2-primary

17 November 16

17/11/2016 – # 106 determines NET Rism

You publish the resolution. 106 for network membership Rism the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON 106_adesione-NET-rism

17 November 16

17/11/2016 – Integrity Pact

Publishing to transparent administration → three-year program for transparency and integrity, the schema of the INTEGRITY PACT’ on the race for the monitoring service of the contract development and management of the information system of the Ministry of education, University and research the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON 9-patto_integrita exhibit a-schema view

8 November 16

08/11/2016 – # 105 Determines to buy printer toner

You publish the resolution. 105 to purchase printer toner the headmaster Regent Willie MASON determines-n 105  

8 November 16

08/11/2016 – n. 104 Determines to conduct first aid course

You publish the resolution. 104 for carrying out the first aid course The Headmaster Bertilla MASON n-104-determines-for-conducting-the-first-aid-course

5 November 16

05/11/2016 – n. 103 Determines for scrap archive documents

You publish the resolution. 103 for scrap archive documents the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines n. 103

2 November 16

02/11/2016 – Acts of finding teachers and ATA contracts t. D.

We publish the acts of identification of teaching staff (The degree) and ATA staff contracts t. D. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON 29-08-2016 Professor Da Lio Francesca 07-09-2016 Professor Baran Antonella 07-09-2016 Professor Chin Arianna 12-10-2016 Professor Brugnerotto Elisa 13-09-2016 ATA Zahra Marina 21-09-2016 Professor Agressi Ada 21-09-2016 Schimd Teacher Laura 22-09-2016 ATA »

2 November 16

02/11/2016 – # 102 Determines to refund registration fees Alumni

You publish the resolution. 102 for reimbursement of student registration fees The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Resolution no. 102  

31 October 16

31-10-2016 -Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

We publish the acts related to the following teachers discovery: 03-10-2016 Fernandez Simona 04-10-2016 Gigliola Mariangela 11-10-2016 Gigliola Mariangela 12-10-2016 P Alessia 12-10-2016 Casson Giorgia 18-10-2016 Bannerman Martina 24-10-2016 Gigliola Mariangela 24-10-2016 P Alessia