You publish the resolution. 92 on the market for the supply of n. 3 Deskop The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines 92 for expression of interest for n. 3 DESKOP
You publish your paper supply # 91 causes . for the supply of paper . The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines # 91
You publish the Executive determines n. 90 in date 11/10/2016 on the training of fire prevention. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON n 90 Fire prevention training for managerial Activity determines
You publish the index reported 3rd quarter 2016 indicator average time of payment (art. 9 DPCM 22/09/2014). Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Indicatori tempi medi di pagamento III Trimestre 2016
We publish the acts of discovery for contracts in t. D. , concerning teachers set out below. The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason 1-9-2016 20 Maria 1-9-2016 Falconer Elizabeth 1-9-2016 Cannon Magdalene 1-9-2016 Scapinello Francesca 16-9-2016 Bannerman Martina 16-9-2016 Scarcella Salvatore 20-9-2016 Bustreo Cecilia
You publish resolution No. 89 for providing postal service in August 2016 The Regent School Director Bertilla MASON Determines n.89 supply of postal service
You publish the determines # 88 printer toner supply the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines n .88
You publish the resolution No. 87 for the supply of paper . The headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines n. 87
Please be advised that in the REGISTER with the following Act, is published the public notice of a call for expressions of interest for the supply of cleaning materials. The Headmaster Bertilla MASON Register Number 42/2016 Date 2016-09-21 Reference Code PUBLIC NOTICE OF INVITATION TO EXPRESS INTEREST IN THE SUPPLY OF CLEANING MATERIALS Subject PUBLIC NOTICE »
You publish the resolution. 86 relating to the supply of cleaning material for school buildings The Regent School Director Bertilla MASON DETERMINES 86