Last review: 18 August 2015


18 August 15

18/08/2015 – Notice the register acts of Virtual Institute

Today was published in the register of the Institute's virtual decision to award custody of insurance services to the students and school staff for a.s. 2015/2016.

27 July 15

27/07/2015 – Publication notice of interim award device insurance services and its opening verbal offers

We publish the device referred to in object and its envelope opening report by the Special Commission established: CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Prot. 5260/C14 VERBALE DI APERTURA DELLE OFFERTE

2 July 15

02/07/2015 – Timeliness of payments index relative to the 2nd quarter 2015

In the relevant section of the website, “Transparent administration”, the index was published by timeliness of payments related to the 2nd quarter 2015, as provided for by Decree No. 33/2013.