Last review: 17 April 2023


17 April 23

PNRR- Investment 1.4 – Early school leaving - Expression of interest in direct assignment of tasks regarding the project “It takes an entire village to raise a student!”

The description in the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

12 April 23

PNRR-School 4.0 -Next generation Classroom-Internal notice of ATA personnel selection for the project.

You publish the notice in question. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

12 April 23

Decision for the adoption and approval of the two-year program for the purchase of supplies and services 2023/2024 According to art. 21 of the Procurement Code

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

6 April 23

Determine n. 39 – Educational visit Trento-Auditorium-Liceo Musicale

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 April 23

Determine n. 38 – Educational visit to Cima Monte Grappa classes 3^A-D sec. 1° degree L. Da Vinci.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 April 23

Determine n.37- Educational visit to Lake Garda, classes 3rd F-G, 1st grade Scaltenigo school.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 April 23

Determines # 36 – Initiation of the procedure for stipulating the competent medical contract pursuant to articles 18.25 of Legislative Decree n. 81/2008

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 April 23

Determine n.35 – Trinity College London Certification.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 April 23

Determine n. 34 – Supply of easy-to-use material for support. Childhood W.Ferrari.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 April 23

Determine n. 33- Supply of easy-to-use material for children W. Ferrari.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza