Last review: 13 October 2022


13 October 22

Public notice of recruitment of an internal or external psychologist expert for the activation of psychological assistance and support services.

The notice in question is published with deadline 27 October 2022 hours 12.00. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

10 October 22

10-10-2022 Average payment times indicators III QUARTER,,it,Average payment times indicators II QUARTER,,it 2022

6 September 22

Determine n. 55 – Personal booklets for primary and secondary school pupils of the Institute.

You publish the resolution. 55 relativa alla fornitura di libretti scolastici personali per gli alunni delle scuole dell’Istituto. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

30 August 22

NOTICE of selection for a three-year work performance contract with an external expert with qualification as a musician, chorister with experience in body percussion for the projects Growing with the right rhythm for the third sections of the Kindergartens "W. Ferrari ”and“ E. Meneghetti ”and for the project Traveling with music for primary schools“ D. Abba ", "G. Campbell ", "To. Manzoni ", "S. Pam " .

AA.SS. 2022-2023  2023-2024  2024-2025. The description in the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

30 August 22

Envelope opening report, comparison and provisional awarding of English language schools sec. of 1° degree.

Si pubblica il verbale descritto in oggetto. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

30 August 22

Envelope opening report, comparison and provisional awarding of English language lectorate for primary schools.

Si pubblica il verbale descritto in oggetto. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

29 August 22

Envelope opening report, comparison and provisional award D.P.O.

Si pubblica il verbale in oggetto descritto. Avverso alla suddetta graduatoria è ammesso reclamo scritto e motivato entro 5 Gg. dalla data di pubblicazione. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

27 July 22

Determine n. 54 – Assignment of R.S.P.P.

Resolution no. 54 relating to the subject is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

26 July 22

26/07/2022 Notice of assignment of the three-year D.P.O..

The announcement in question is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

26 July 22

26/07/2022 Notice of call for external expert for the English lectorate project sc. SEC. of 1° degree

The notice relating to the object with attachments is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza