Last review: 4 March 2022


4 March 22

Determine n. 3 – Signage for safety in the Institute's complexes.

Si pubblica la determina relativa all’acquisto di cartellonistica per la sicurezza per i plessi dell’Istituto. Il Dirigente scolastico Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 2 – Domain renewal

The decision relating to the renewal of the domain and the management of split payment electronic invoicing is published. Il Dirigente scolastico Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 1 – Renewal of the maintenance contract, Renewal of the maintenance contract. Renewal of the maintenance contract 2022.

Renewal of the maintenance contract, Renewal of the maintenance contract. Renewal of the maintenance contract 2022. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

16 February 22

Prot.n.1150 – Prot.n.1150 “Prot.n.1150” – Prot.n.1150- Prot.n.1150 “Prot.n.1150 ….”

Prot.n.1150. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

8 February 22

08/02/2022 – Annual Programme And F.. 2022

Si pubblicano gli atti relativi al Programma Annuale E.F. 2022:

4 February 22

Prot.n. 858 – FESRPON-VE-2021-42 – DIGITAL BOARD Notice of internal personal selection for designer and tester

Si pubblica l’avviso prot.n. 858 of 04/02/2022 relativa al reclutamento di personale interno per le attività di progettista e collaudatore. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 February 22

Prot.n. 815 – Notice for the recruitment of an internal expert for the assignment of the psychological service”Stop listening” .

Si pubblica l’avviso di reperimento di un esperto interno per il servizio di consulenza psicologica . The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

22 December 21

Prot.n.10978- Notice of sale pursuant to Article 34 of the D.I.. n.129 del 28/08/2018.

The notice of sale of inventory assets no longer used is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

17 December 21

Determine n. 100 – Purchase of Argo software license “Renewal Cm. 4083” Inventory.

The determination relating to the purchase of the Argo software license is published “Renewal Cm. 4083” Inventory. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

17 December 21

Determine n. 99 – D.L.n.41 ex art.31 comma 1 – Covid emergency material

The determination relating to the D.L. is published. 41 pursuant to article 31 paragraph 1 , Covid emergency material. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza