Last review: 5 April 2022


5 April 22

Minutes of opening envelopes offers cleaning material

The protocol no. is published. 1336 relating to the report of the opening of envelopes for the cleaning material notice. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

30 March 22


The public notice for the selection of the competent doctor is published with protocol no. 2439. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

28 March 22

USB trade union assembly

The note of the union meeting outside working hours for the day is published 4 April 2022. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 18 – Purchase of books for the school library sec. di 1° grado di Scaltenigo.

Si pubblica la determina relativa all’acquisto di libri per la biblioteca della scuola secondaria di 1° grado di Scaltenigo. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 17 – Purchase of books for the secondary school library of 1st gr. L. Da Vinci.

Si pubblica la determina relativa all’acquisto di libri per la biblioteca della scuola secondaria di 1° grado Leonardo Da Vinci. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 16 – Purchase of books for the W preschool library. Ferrari.

Si pubblica la determina relativa all’acquisto di libri per la biblioteca della scuola per l’infanzia Wolf Ferrari. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 15 – Purchase of books for the childhood library E. Meneghetti.

Si pubblica la determina relativa all’acquisto di libri per la biblioteca della scuola per l’infanzia Egidio Meneghetti. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 14 – Stationery material for secretariat and concierge.

Si pubblica la determina relativa all’acquisto di materiale di cancelleria per la segreteria e portineria. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 13 – D.L. n.73 ex art. 58 c.4-lett.d- Notebook supply.

The determination relating to the purchase of notebooks is published as per Legislative Decree. n. 73 ex art.58 comma 4 Letter d. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 March 22

Determine n. 12 – FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates .

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza