Last review: 7 October 2021


7 October 21

22/09/2021- Determine n. 72 SSD disks n ° 10 500GB secretarial and management offices.

You publish the resolution. 72 relativa all’acquisto di dischi SSD da 500 GB per dispositivi di segreteria e direzione. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela Mazza

7 October 21

22/09/2021- Determine n. 73 integration and modification determines n. 64.

You publish the resolution. 73 per modifica ed integrazione della delibera n. 64 of 30.08.2021. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela Mazza

7 October 21

06/09/2021- Determine n. 65 Expenditure commitment for digital signature Headmaster.

You publish the resolution. 65 relativa all’acquisto firma digitale per Dirigente scolastico. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

7 October 21

06/09/2021- Determine n. 66 sanitary devices material: infrared thermoscanner.

You publish the resolution. 66 relativa all’acquisto di termoscanner ad infrarossi. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela Mazza

7 October 21

29/09/2021- Determine n. 74 supply of material for art and plexus image sec. 1° degree L. Da Vinci.

You publish the resolution. 74 relativa all’acquisto di materiale per Arte e Immagine plesso sec. di 1° grado L. Da Vinci. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela Mazza

7 October 21

04/10/2021- Determine n. 75 personal booklets for primary school pupils of the Institute.

You publish the resolution. 75 per la fornitura dei libretti personali scuole primarie dell’Istituto. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela Mazza

7 October 21

05/10/2021- Determine n. 76 Verbal registers for three-year class councils.

You publish the resolution. 76 relativa all’acquisto di registri per verbali consigli di classe secondaria di 1° gr. L. da Vinci. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela Mazza

27 September 21

Childhood-Primary Menu September-October

22 September 21

Childhood and primary Schools menu

30 August 21

30/08/2021- Determine n. 64 Musical instruments school plexus sec. of 1° degree “L. Da Vinci”.

You publish the resolution. 64 relativa all’acquisto di strumenti musicali per la scuola secondaria di 1° grado “L. Da Vinci”. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Angela Marvulli