Last review: 3 November 2021


3 November 21

Determine n. 85 – D.L. 41 of 22.03.2021 ex art. 31 subparagraph 6 – Library books sec. 1° gr. Da Vinci.

You publish the resolution. 85 relativa all’acquisto di libri per la biblioteca del plesso scuola sec. 1° degree L. Da Vinci. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 November 21

Determine n. 84 – D.L. 41 of 22.03.2021 subparagraph 6 – Computer equipment-

You publish the resolution. 84 relativa all’acquisto di materiale informatico. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 November 21

Determine n. 83 – D.L. 41 pursuant to article 31 paragraph 6 – Material for the Institute's gyms.

Si pubblica la delibera n. 83 relating to the purchase of equipment for the Institute's gyms. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 November 21

Determine n. 82 – Insurance premium for pupils and school staff.

You publish the resolution. 82 relativa al premio per assicurazione alunni e personale della scuola. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

3 November 21

Determine n. 81 – Telephony material :n. 2 cordless .

Si pubblica la delibera n. 81 purchase no. 2 cordless per i plessi L. Da Vinci e D. Alighieri. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

25 October 21

Dissemination – ESF-PON Axis II-Education Infrastructure-ERDF-REACT EU.

Axis V-Investment Priority Action 13.1.1 “Structured and safe wiring inside school buildings” Public notice protocol n. 20480 of 20/07/2021 creation of local networks, wired and wireless in schools. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

19 October 21

Determine n. 80 -Recruitment to t.d.. with Covid staff pursuant to art. 58 paragraph 4-ter and 4-quater of Legislative Decree 73/2021

You publish the resolution. 80 relating to fixed-term employment with Covid staff referred to in Article 58, paragraph 4-ter e 4 -quater of Legislative Decree. 73/2021. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

19 October 21

Determine n. 79- D.L. 41 ex art.31 c.1 – Room cleaning devices

You publish the resolution. 79 relativa all’acquisto di dispositivi per la pulizia dei plessi. Il Dirigente Scolastica Daniela Mazza

19 October 21

Determine n. 78 – Purchase Ricoh Priport Ink Jp-12 for plexus da Vinci mimeograph.

You publish the resolution. 78 purchase no. 5 cartucce inchiostro per ciclostile Ricoh Priport Ink JP-12 600ml. per funzionamento ciclostile presso il plesso L. da Vinci. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

19 October 21

Determine n. 77- Upgrade from Argo presences Win to Argo presences Web.

You publish the resolution. 77 relativa alla procedura di upgrade da argo presenze Win a Argo presenze Web. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza