Last review: 11 December 2018


11 December 18

11/12/2018 – Resolution. 143 request delivery matrices for duplicator scuola Leonardo

You publish the resolution. 143 relativa alla richiesta fornitura matrici per duplicatore scuola Leonardo Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.143

7 December 18

07/12/2018 – Resolution. 142 on request supply dictionaries for the secondary school library

You publish the resolution. 142 relativa alla richiesta fornitura dizionari per la biblioteca scuola secondaria Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA n. 142 – Determina per acquisto dizionari

7 December 18

07/12/2018 – Resolution. 141 its security training courses

You publish the resolution. 141 relativa all’affidamento attività formazione ambito sicurezza con rete Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n. 141 formazione ambito sicurezza

7 December 18

07/12/2018 – Resolution. 140 with regard to the software Argos Web staff and career

You publish the resolution. 140 relativa al servizio gestione software Argo Web personale e carriera Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.140 gestione software Argo

7 December 18

07/12/2018 – Resolution. 139 on the play in English

You publish the resolution. 139 on the play in English with the Cooperativa Sociale Smile of Modena the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 139

7 December 18

07/12/2018 – Resolution. 138 on the request of electrical equipment

You publish the resolution. 138 on the request of electrical equipment for laboratory of Mirano Scaltenigo the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 138

30 November 18

30/11/2018 – Resolution. 137 RISM network membership

You publish the resolution. 137 on the RISM network membership fee the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 137

30 November 18

30/11/2018 – Resolution. 136 renewing subscription year 2019 law journals

You publish the resolution. 136 renewing subscription year 2019 law journals the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA determines # 136

30 November 18

30/11/2018 – Resolution. 135 on the supply material for secondary school physical education activities

You publish the resolution. 135 on the supply material for physical education activities secondary school head teacher Regent Daniela MAZZA n. 135 – Determines the secondary school physical education activity material purchase

30 November 18

30/11/2018 – Resolution. 134 on the secondary school photocopier rental installment Scaltenigo

You publish the resolution. 134 relativa alla rata noleggio fotocopiatore scuola secondaria Scaltenigo Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA n.134- Determina per noleggio fotocopiatore Kyocera secondaria scaltenigo