Last review: 19 October 2018


19 October 18

19/10/2018 – Resolution. 113 Aruba services renewal

You publish the resolution. 1123 its hosting services renewal Aruba the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 113 renewal services Aruba

19 October 18

19/10/2018 – Resolution. 112 its procurement specialist for teacher training course

You publish the resolution. 112 its sourcing expert psychologist for teacher training course for managing learning disabilities, hyperactivity disorder,oppostività Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.112 formazione docenti

19 October 18

19/10/2018 – Resolution. 111 its computer lab equipment secondary Scaltenigo

You publish the resolution. 111 on the secondary computer science lab equipment Scaltenigo by CONSIP the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 111 construction computer lab Scaltenigo

19 October 18

19/10/2018 – Resolution. 110 its cancellation will cause # 107

You publish the resolution. 110 its cancellation will cause # 107 the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 110 cancellation will cause # 107

17 October 18

17/10/2018 – Resolution. 109 youth information activities expenditure commitment integration

You publish the resolution. 109 per integrazione impegno spesa attività informagiovani Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA n.109 – Integrazione determina Orientamento

16 October 18

16/10/2018 – Resolution. 108 printer supply school locations

You publish the resolution. 107 per fornitura stampanti sedi scolastiche Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.108

16 October 18

16/10/2018 – Resolution. 107 for secondary computer science lab Scaltenigo

You publish the resolution. 107 per allestimento laboratorio informatica secondaria di Scaltenigo Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA determina n.107

16 October 18

16/10/2018 – Resolution. 106 for supply "LIM for classes"

You publish the resolution. 106 relativa alla fornitura “LIM per classi” Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA determina n.106

16 October 18

16/10/2018 – Resolution. 105 for material supply secondary art education of Scaltenigo

You publish the resolution. 105 fornitura materiale educazione artistica secondaria di Scaltenigo Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA n.105 – Determina per acquisto materiale per laboratorio arte Scaltenigo

16 October 18

16/10/2018 – Resolution. 104 to refrigerator supply school Manzoni

You publish the resolution. 104 fornitura frigorifero monoporta scuola Manzoni Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.104