Last review: 5 September 2018


5 September 18

05/09/2018 – Resolution. 87 concerning the rental of photocopier Kyocera Dante Alighieri Plexus

You publish the resolution. 87 concerning the rental of photocopier Kyocera Plexus Dante Alighieri the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 87

5 September 18

05/09/18 Determine n. 86 its its rental photocopier Kyocera Plexus Manzoni

You publish the resolution. 86 relativa al noleggio fotocopiatore Kyocera plesso Manzoni Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZADetermina n.86

4 September 18

04/09/2018 – Indicator average time of payment – 3^ quarter 2018

Si pubblica l’indicatore tempi medi di pagamento riferito al 3^ trimestre 2018. Indicator average time of payment 3 quarter 2018   The Headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

21 August 18

21/08/2018 Public notice for other sources of espertiesterni – Stem Unit _ academic strategies BES _-Professor clinical pedagogy expert

You publish as received from the Istituto comprensivo di Ceggia-FR. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA public notice for other sources of espertiesterni – Stem Unit _ academic strategies BES _-Professor clinical pedagogy expert

24 July 18

20/07/2018 – Check status of implementing the annual programme 2018

Si pubblicano gli atti relativi allo stato di attuazione del Programma Annuale 2018 Relazione DSGA Relazione Dirigente Scolastico Mod. H bis Il Dirignete Scolastico Reggente Daniela MAZZA

20 July 18

20/07/2018 Draft 5 teaching modules aimed at knowledge dell_isola Poveglia

You publish as received from comprehensive school “F. Obara” Lido-Pellestrina. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela dissemination Action-signed BAT

20 July 18

20/07/2018 Language Learning Lab project

You publish as received from the Liceo Statale “Montale” San Donà di Piave. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela dissemination Action-signed BAT

20 July 18

20/07/2018 Project-I'm StoriaArtePaesaggio-

You publish as received from comprehensive school “Spallanzani” the Venice-Mestre. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela BAT Education Enhancement

16 July 18

16/07/2018- Determine n. 82 Liquidation Te S.

You publish the resolution. 82 on the clearance of Te S. in,s, 2017/2018 Determines liquidation FIS the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

2 July 18

02/07/2018 – Indicators average time of payment 2 quarter 2018

You publish the indicator average time of payment for the 2 quarter 2018   Indicator average time of payment 2 quarter 2018   The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA