Last review: 8 May 2018


8 May 18

08/05/2018 – Resolution. 63 concerning the visit education Museum of Borgoricco primary school Manzoni Mirano – Ballò

You publish the resolution. 63 concerning the visit education Museum of Borgoricco primary school Manzoni Mirano – She danced The Principal Regent Daniela MAZZA determines # 63

7 May 18

07/05/2018 Dissemination action Pon ESF 10.2.1 A-FSEPON-VE-2017-66 childhood Project

Istituto Comprensivo Statale ” Francesco MOROSINI ” of Venice. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA dissemination Action Pon 2017-66 FSEPON-VE-ESF Project in 10.2.1-childhood

7 May 18

07/05/2018 Dissemination action-closing Project 7840

You publish as received from the Liceo Scientifico "Galileo Galilei" State of San Donà di Piave (VE). The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA dissemination Action Pon 2017-66 FSEPON-VE-ESF Project in 10.2.1-childhood

4 May 18

04/05/2018 – Resolution. 62 on the integration fees determines # 34 Project Francis according to Giotto

You publish the resolution. 62 its on the integration fees determines # 34 Project Francis according to Giotto the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA n. 62 – Causes for greater spending project Francis according to Giotto

4 May 18

04/05/2018 – Resolution. 61 for the purchase of computer equipment scuola Leonardo

You publish the resolution. 61 for the purchase of computer equipment scuola Leonardo the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA determines # 61

4 May 18

04/05/2018 – Publication new disciplinary code

You publish the new disciplinary code in reference to C.C.N. L. 2016-2018 higher education and research sector signed 19 April 2018. Nuovo Codice disciplinare.compressed Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Daniela MAZZA

2 May 18

02/05/2018 Public notice selection native English speakers to project Pom – Travels with trolls

You publish as received from comprehensive school “Morosini” of Venice. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA public notice selection native English speakers for porogetto Pon – Travels with trolls annex A1 – warning selecting native speakers project pon travels with trolls annex B1 – avviso selezione esperti madrelingua progetto pon In Viaggio con »

26 April 18

26/04/2018 – Resolution. 60 concerning the rental of photocopier Kyocera primary school Carducci

You publish the resolution. 60 relativa al noleggio del fotocopiatore Kyocera scuola primaria Carducci Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA determina n.60

23 April 18

23/04/2018 – Resolution. 59 purchase a first aid kit nursery school Wolf Ferrari

You publish the resolution. 59 purchase a first aid kit nursery school Wolf Ferrari the headmaster Regent Daniela BAT # 59- Determina per acquisto cassetta primo soccorso scuola infanzia Wolf Ferrari

23 April 18

23/04/2018 – Resolution. 58 on the Farm Education visit Papaveri e Papere CL. 1-2 Ballò

You publish the resolution. 58 on the Farm Education visit Papaveri e Papere CL. 1-2 she danced The Principal Regent Daniela MAZZA determines # 58