Last review: 15 January 2018


15 January 18

15/01/2018 – Resolution. 3 contract maintenance and service programs Spaggiari – Infoschool year 2018

You publish the resolution. 3 on the contract for the servicing and maintenance Spaggiari Programs – Infoschool year 2018 The headmaster Regent Daniela FIRMATO_n. BAT 3 – Determines contract renewal Salehi – Infoschool year 2018 signed digit

12 January 18

12/01/2018 – Annual programme and f.. 2018 approved by C.. in date 12/12/2017

We publish the annual programme and acts. F. 2018: MOD. To – Annual Program 2018 MOD. D – Annual Programme And F.. 2018 MOD. And – Annual Programme And F.. 2018 MOD. J – Annual Programme And F.. 2018 Relazione P.A. 2018.compressed Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Daniela MAZZA

10 January 18

10/01/2018 – Resolution. 2 Bullying & cyber bullying project material scuola Dante Alighieri

You publish the resolution. 2 to purchase material for project Bullying & cyber bullying the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 2

3 January 18

N. 1 – Determines to find expert project CODING and robotics

You publish the resolution. 1/2018 relating to the retrieval specialist for project CODING and robotics n. 1 – Determines to find expert project CODING and robotics the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

3 January 18

03/01/2018 – Indicators average time of payment year 2017

You publish the average payment times indicator “Bills” year 2017. 2017 – ANNUAL INDICATOREM TIME OF PAGE The School District Regent Daniela MAZZA

3 January 18

03/01/2018 – Indicators average time of payment 4th quarter 2017

You publish the average payment times indicator for the fourth quarter 2017 Iv Quarter – PAGE MEDI TIME INDICATORS The Regent School Executive Daniela MAZZA

3 January 18

n. 147 – Determines for supply consumable FERRARI Plexus

You publish the resolution. 147 for supplying consumable FERRARI n Plexus. 147 – Determines for material supply FERRARI Plexus consumption the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

29 December 17

n. 146 – Determines to contract for supplying consumable Dance Plexus’

You publish the resolution. 146 for supply consumable Plexus dance '. N. 146 – DETERMINES PLEXUS DANCE SUPPLIES – PELIZZON The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

29 December 17

n. 145 – Determines for material supply consumption Danced Plexus

You publish the determines 145 on the supply of consumables DANCE Plexus’ n. 145 – Determines DANCE Plexus supplies the head teacher LEARNING CENTER Regent Daniela MAZZA

29 December 17

# 144 – Determines for duplicator

You publish the resolution. 144 purchase no. 1 duplicatore n. 144 – Duplicator prot. 9513 The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA