Last review: 20 July 2017


20 July 17

20/07/2017 – n. 82 Determines Executive for repayment of contribution does not have to

You publish the resolution. 82 relativa al rimborso di quota di contributo volontario non dovuto n. 82 – Determina rimborso quota di contributo volontario Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason

20 July 17

20/07/2017 – n. 81 Determines the teacher's card refund

You publish the resolution. 81 on reimbursement for the teacher's card n. 81 – Determina per Carta del Docente Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason

14 July 17

14/07/2017 – n. 80 Determines the school director for supply contracts code book

You publish the resolution. 80 in date 14/07/2017 on the supply of n. 01 book on procurement procedures code of contracts. Determine n. 80 in date 14-07-2017 The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason

4 July 17

04/07/2017 – Indicators average time of payment 2 ^ Quarter 2017

You publish the index of 2 ^ Quarter 2017 related to the indicators average time of payment. Indicators average time of payment 2 quarter 2017 The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason

26 June 17

26/06/2017 – Resolution. 79 postal charges may 2017

You publish the resolution. 79 postal charges may 2017 The headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 79 – Postal service may 2017

23 June 17

23/06/2017 – Resolution. 78 reimbursement training course

You publish the resolution. 78 the head teacher training course expenses Regent Willie MASON determines n. 78

19 June 17

19/06/2017 – Resolution. 77 request supply printers

You publish the resolution. 77 request supply printers the head teacher Regent Willie MASON n. 77 – Determines the number of printers

14 June 17

14/06/2017- acts of personal discovery term lecturer

We publish the acts following discovery teaching staff: 12-06-2017 locating prof.ssa Favaro Lisa 12-06-2017 prof.ssa Brugnerotto detection Elisa on Headmaster Regent Bertilla Mason exams Favaro Brugnerotto exams

9 June 17

09/06/2017 – Resolution. 76 request cleaning supplies

You publish the resolution. 76 request cleaning supplies for the plexi head teacher Regent Bertilla MASON Determines # 76

5 June 17

05/06/2017 – Resolution. 75 request supply projector school Manzoni

You publish the resolution. 75 request supply projector school Manzoni the headmaster Regent Willie MASON # 75 – Buying a video projector for Lim Ballò