Last review: 13 March 2017


13 March 17

13/03/2017 – # 30 Determines supply outdoor carpet scuola Dante Alighieri

You publish the resolution. 30 request supply outdoor carpet scuola Dante Alighieri the headmaster Regent Willie MASON determines # 30

10 March 17

10/03/2017 – # 29 determines supply Vga card for Lim

You publish the resolution. 29 richiesta fornitura scheda Vga Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina n.29

6 March 17

06/03/2017 Institute C. Pianiga Bando Promote Positive Relationships

You publish as received from’ Istituto Comprensivo di Pianiga-Ve. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Institute C. Pianiga BANDO PROMOTE POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS QUESTION PROJECT PROMOTE POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS

6 March 17

06/03/2017 Call musical expert for primary school of Murano – VE

You publish as received from the Istituto Comprensivo di Murano – VE The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Tender

2 March 17

02/03/2017 – # 28 Determines primary Dante photocopier rental

You publish the resolution. 28 rental photocopier Studiendirektor Willie Dante primary Regent MASON determines # 28

2 March 17

02/03/2017 – # 27 Determines primary Pellico photocopier rental

You publish the resolution. 26 rental photocopier primary head teacher Pam Regent Bertilla MASON Determines # 27

2 March 17

02/03/2017 – # 26 Determines primary photocopier rental Manzoni

You publish the resolution. 26 rental photocopier Studiendirektor Regent James MASON primary Manzoni Determines # 26

2 March 17

02/03/2017 – # 25 Determines secondary photocopier rental Scaltenigo

You publish the resolution. 25 secondary rental photocopier Scaltenigo the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines # 25

2 March 17

02/03/2017 – # 24 Determines the occupational physician assignment

You publish the resolution. 24 assignment competent doctor the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines # 24

2 March 17

02/03/2017 – # 23 Determines external expert Theatre therapy project

You publish the resolution. 23 external expert Theatre therapy project the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines # 23