Last review: 15 February 2017


15 February 17

15/02/2017 – # 15 postal service determines for January 2017

You publish the resolution. 15 its postal service month January 2017 The headmaster Regent Willie MASON determines 15

14 February 17

14-02-2017- Discovery term ATA staff acts

Locating Balint Elisa

13 February 17

13/02/2017 – # 14 Determines to A4 size paper supply secretarial and plexuses

You publish the resolution. 14 on the supply of A4 the headmaster Regent Willie MASON determines 14 card purchase

10 February 17

10/02/2017 – # 13 Determines project specialist music school childhood Wolf Ferrari

You publish the resolution. 13 esperto progetto musica scuola infanzia Wolf Ferrari Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Determina n.13

9 February 17

09/02/2017 – # 12 Determines the supply continuity group

You publish the resolution. 12 provision of a group continuity based comprehensive school the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines 12

7 February 17

7-02-2017 -Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

  We publish the acts related to the following teachers discovery: 16-01-2017 Davenport Fabiana 17-01-2017 Sadali Fabiana 19-01-2017 Davenport Fabiana 20-01-2017 Davenport Fabiana 20-01-2017 Tan Emanuela

3 February 17

03/02/2017 – # 10 Determines supply scale 6 steps nursery school Meneghetti

You publish the resolution. 10 provision of a ladder 6 steps to the nursery school Mahmood the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines 10 – supply scale

2 February 17

02/02/2017 – acts of personal discovery fixed Ata

You publish l’ Act of identification and determines on C Patrizia. The headmaster Regent Willie Mason identification C Determines C

1 February 17

01/02/2017 – acts of personal discovery term

You publish the determines prot. n. n. 676 of 31/01/2017 and locating prot. n. 661 of 31/01/2017 The headmaster Regent Willie Mason determines prot. 676 finding Russetti

31 January 17

31/01/2017 – # 9 Determines rental fee photocopier Wolf Ferrari Jan-mar 2017

You publish the photocopier rental cost # 9 determines Wolf Ferrari the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON FIRMATO_determina # 9