Last review: 19 January 2017


19 January 17

19/01/2017-acts of personal discovery fixed ATA

You publish the Act of finding on the following ATA staff: 18-01-2017 Mancini Anna The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason 19-01-2017 Determines coll. scol. M Anne

16 January 17

16/01/2017 – # 3 Determines Infoschoool secondary school teachers training activity

You publish the resolution. 3 relativa all’attività formativa docenti scuola secondaria software applicativi Infoschool Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Determina n.3

13 January 17

13-01-2017 Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

We publish the acts related to the following teachers discovery: 09-01-2017 Ballantyne Stefania 09-01-2017 Lath Elena 09-01-2017 Gigliola Mariangela 10-01-2017 Tan Emanuela 11-01-2017 Celoni Federica 12-01-2017 Celoni Federica 13-01-2017 Tan Emanuela 21-12-2016 Bannerman Martina 21-12-2016 Scarcella Salvatore 23-12-2016 Bannerman Martina 23-12-2016 Agnes Jacket 23-12-2016 Maitra Elisa 23-12-2016 Visentin Marina Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason »

13 January 17

13/01/2017 – # 2 Infoschoool support and maintenance contract Determines 2017

You publish the resolution. 2 Infoschool maintenance and support agreement 2017 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Determines # 2

11 January 17

11/01/2017 – acts of personal discovery term

You publish the Act of finding on the following ATA staff: 09-01-2017 individuazione Vaccarello Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason

10 January 17

10/01/2017 – Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

We publish the acts related to the following teachers discovery: 01-12-2016 Tan Emanuela 06-12-2016 Tan Emanuela 13-12-2016 Milan Elena 14-12-2016 Baba Lorena 21-12-2016 Milan Elena The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason

10 January 17

10/01/2017 – Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

Discovery of the following acts shall be published teachers: 10-11-2016 Baba Lorena 18-11-2016 Gigliola Mariangela 18-11-2016 Tan Emanuela 22-11-2016 Gigliola Mariangela 29-11-2016 Troise Emanuela Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason

2 January 17

02/01/2017 – n. 01 Determines software support ARGO

You publish the resolution. 01 software assistance 2017 ARGO the headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 1 – Assistance 2017 ARGO software

30 December 16

30/12/2016 – 4th quarter payment index 2016 and indicators year 2016

You publish the Act concerning the payment of the fourth-quarter index 2016.   The Regent Headmaster Bertilla MASON SIGNED_Indicipag_2016_4 SIGNED_SIGNED_Indicipag_2016

22 December 16

22/12/2016 – Notice of selection for contract of opera performance with expert psychologist

Please be advised that in the register is published the notice of selection for contract of opera performance with expert psychologist to stop listening. The Head Teacher Hold Willie MASON