Last review: 4 January 2017


4 January 17

04/01/2017 Membership drive Federated Union

You publish, to open the ATA staff, the communication from the Federated Union membership drive. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN FEDER. ATA 2017

19 December 16

19/12/2016 Federated Union News

You publish, to open the ATA staff, as agreed by the Big. Federated Union. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON impairment of school networks in the Federated Territories

19 December 16

19/12/2016 – Bonus Culture La Fenice

You publish, to open to staff, as received by the Secretariat of La Fenice. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON BONUS_CULTURA Teatro La Fenice

14 December 16

14/12/2016 – Convocation SUW for the day 10 January 2017

Please be advised that the RSU is convened for the day 10 January 2017 at 14.00 at the venue “Leonardo da Vinci” in Mirano 10-01-2017 Convocazione RSU Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Bertilla MASON

14 December 16

14/12/2016 Circular # 137 the plexuses Operation 23 December 2016

You publish, for parents of the Institute, the Circ. # 137 the plexuses Operation 23 December 2016. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON circ-137-16-23-December-operation-plexuses

10 December 16

10/12/2016 Feder-ATA Communications

You publish, to open the ATA staff, Union communication FEDER-ATA the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON letter-to-President-of-Republic-italiana-1

8 December 16

07/12/2016 – Leaving the service with effect from 01/09/2017

  Please note that has been released the circ. n. 133 on leaving the service with effect from 01/09/2017. We encourage all staff to examine it. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON

6 December 16

Circ. # 131 Delivery guidance Advice to parents of cl. 3 ^ secondary sc.

You publish, for teachers and parents of pupils of cl. 3^ sc. secondary, the Circ. 131 Delivery guidance Council. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON circ-131-delivery-advice-orientated-cl-3-sc-secondary

6 December 16

Circ. # 127 the school activity Suspension 9 and 10 December.

You publish, to open to parents and staff, the Circ. # 127 Suspending school activities on 9 and 10 December. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON circ-127-suspension-activities-education-9-e-10-December-2016

28 November 16

28/11/2016 Circ. 123 receipt of secondary school teachers 2016/17

You publish, to open to parents and teachers and ATA, the Circ. 123 receipt of secondary school teachers year sc. 2016/17. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASONcirc-123-reception-parents-school-secondary-2016-17