Last review: 26 November 2016


26 November 16

26/11/2016 We publish acts from external parties

We publish, Faculty vision, acts from external parties. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON note 2016-2017-projects-national-corso_supplenze_ve poster-seminar-training-chioggia

25 November 16

25/11/2016 Circ. # 121 minor Presence in meetings

You publish, for watching parents, teachers and staff ATA, the Circ. n. 121 Presenza di minori nelle riunioni collegiali Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON circ-121-presenza-di-minori-durante-le-riunioni-collegiali

14 November 16

14/11/2016 We publish acts from various subjects

We publish, Faculty vision, acts from external parties. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON carta-del-docente-come-e-quando-spendere-i-500-euro-per-laggiornamento is-algarotti-mostra-fotografica-falcone-borsellino bando-lettura-pensata curriculum-mapping-bassano

14 November 16

14/11/2016 Feder ATA Communications

You publish, to open the ATA staff, Feder ATA communications the headmaster Regent Bertilla Federated-request-meeting-MASON for-issues-of-staff-ata ata-news-n-5

14 November 16

14/11/2016 – Acts from external parties

We publish, Faculty vision, acts from external parties. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON programs-schools-2017-delta-tour-travel groups aim-the-Carnival-of-pulcinellais- Algarotti-view-galleries-falcone-borsellino

12 November 16

12/11/2016 – Feder ATA – Union leaflet

You publish as received from Feder. ATA the headmaster Eeggente Bertilla MASON request-meeting-for-issues-of-staff-ata

2 November 16

02/11/2016 – Common information about Aim for transport and canteen service for the day 4/11/2016

You oubblicano the information of the municipality are intended for transportation services and cafeteria for the day 04/11/2016. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON canteen 4 Nov install Mahmoud 4 Nov

31 October 16

29/10/2016 – Primary classes 2A-2B – 4A-5A-5B “Dante Alighieri”

  Please be advised that with circ. n. 70 was initiated the transfer, from 2/11/2016 , classes 2A-2B – 4A-5A-5B primary “Dante Alighieri” at the venue “Leonardo da Vinci”, via paganini 2/a. The time and the canteen are not affected. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON

25 October 16

25/10/2016 We publish, for watching, acts from unions

We publish, for the vision teachers and ATA, acts from the head teacher Unions Regent Bertilla MASON Strike 04_11_2016_Sindacato SGB School professional engineer figure even in comprehensive schools

18 October 16

18/10/2016 – Canteen of 21/10/2016

You publish the note of the municipality of Aim on the canteen of the day 21/10/2016 The headmaster Regent Willie MASON mensa x 21 Oct