Last review: 15 March 2018


15 March 18

Circular 154 RSU Elections 2018

You publish, for the vision teachers and ATA, la Circ.154 Elezioni RSU 2018. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Circ.154 Elezioni RSU 2018

21 February 18

CISL-Venice seminar for staff a.t.a..

You publish, to open the ATA staff, quanto pervenuto dall’organizzazione sindacale CISL di Venezia. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Seminario ATA CISL adesione sem venezia

24 January 18


You publish as received from Big. Federated Union. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA RSU ELECTIONS 2018 Federated

23 January 18

23/01/2018 – Film Forum Several Inclusions… Special Mother

The Film Forum “Several Inclusions” is promoted by the CUSTOMERS of our comprehensive school to spread a culture of inclusion and diversity in all its forms. Vi aspettiamo per il primo appuntamento Giovedì 22 February (hours 17.00) in the main hall of the lower secondary school “Leonardo Da Vinci” via Paganini 3 Aim (VE) in »

17 January 18

RSU ELECTIONS Federated 2018

You publish as received from Federated Union. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA FederATA ELEZIONI RSU 2018

20 December 17

Circ. 98 Strike 08-01-2018 Directions for secondary school

You publish, to open to interested parties, the Circ. 98 Strike 8-01-2018 Secondary indications. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 98 Strike 8-01-2018 Secondary indications

20 December 17

20/12/2017 Circular 97 strike of 08-01-2018 Directions for primary school

You publish, to open to interested parties, the Circ. 97 Strike 8-01-2018 Primary indications. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 97 Strike 8-01-2018 Primary indications

20 December 17

20/12/2017 Circular 96 strike 08-01-2018 Directions to the school

You publish, to open to interested parties, the Circ. 96 Strike 8-01-2018 Directions childhood. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 96 Strike 8-01-2018 Directions childhood

28 October 17

26/10/2017 – Reception parents – Statement of correction –

You publish the circ. 44 on the grinding prospectus receipt parents Circ. 44 – FACULTY RECEPTION 2017 2018 The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

18 October 17

18/10/2017 Training ANIEF_Corso-107_2015 law and Delegated Decrees schemas-_ Mestre 25-10-2017

You publish as received by the Association ANIEF. The headmaster ilovepdf locandina_legislazione_25_ott. _-Daniela Regent BAT-1 Richiesta_permesso_RSU 2 Permesso_personale_docente 3. compressed ... Modello_richiesta_permesso_peronale_ATA.