Last review: 20 November 2018

Board of statutory auditors

20 November 18

20/11/2018 – Convocation SUW for the day 26/11/2018

You publish the convening day of MSW 26/11/2018 Convocazione RSU n. 8 for the day 26-11-2018 Il Dirigente Scoalstico Reggente Daniela MAZZA

13 November 18

13/11/2018 – Convocation for MSW 20/11/2018

Si pubblica l’avviso relativo alla riunione RSU per il giorno 20/11/2018 MSW meeting for the day 20-11-2018 The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

7 November 18

07/11/2018 – MSW meeting for Tuesday 13/11/2018

You publish the convocation RSU for Tuesday 13/11/2018 FIRMATO_Convocazione RSU n. 6 for the day 13-11-2018 The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA

11 October 18

11/10/2018 – Call R.S.U. for the 19 October 2018

You publish the convocation R.S. U. for the day 19/10/2018 FIRMATO_19-10-2018 convocazione rsu Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Daniela MAZZA

28 September 18

28/09/2018 – Personal meeting ATA pursuant to art. 41 NATIONAL CONTRACT 2016/2018

Si pubblica il verbale dell’incontro del personale ATA ai sensi dell’art. 41 the CCNL 2016/2018 INCONTRO PERSONALE ATA ART 41 CCNL Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Daniela Mazza

19 September 18

19/09/2018 – English language course for teachers by teachers ' Guild

What has been received from the Guild of Teachers English language course is published by Regent School Director Daniela Mazza

13 September 18

13/09/2018 – Convocation SUW for the day 19/09/2018

You publish the convening day of MSW 19/9/2018 Call n. 2 RSU Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Daniela Mazza

10 September 18

10/09/2018 – Trade Union UIL school release

UIL school statement dated 07/09/2018 UIL School Release The Regent School Executive Daniela Mazza

31 August 18

31/08/2018 FLC_CGIL training day 13.09.2018

You publish as received from or. S. FLC-CGIL in Venice. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA FLC CGIL

31 May 18

31/05/2018 Union Feder.ATA]_ Considerations and proposals for the ATA staff

You publish as received from or. S. Federated. LA DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICA Reggente Daniela MAZZA FederATA