Last review: 9 March 2017

Board of statutory auditors

9 March 17

09/03/2017 UIL school administrative training ABS. ,Coll. Education.

You publish as received from the Trade Union UIL – School. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON UIL formation 2017 VENICE BIG. AMM-1 (1) training 2017 VENICE COLL. SCOL. -1 (2) UIL UIL AA membership card acceptance form C-S 2017

7 March 17

07/03/2017 Cisl School Extensions ATA 2017 vacancies

You publish as received by the Trade Union CISL School. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON EXTENSIONS ATA 2017 vacancies

6 March 17

06/03/2017 SNALS tab 165 substitutes AA and AT

You publish as received by the Trade Union SNALS. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON SNALS tab 165 supplenzeAAeAT

6 March 17

06/03/2017 – SNALS Tab 165

You publish the card SNALS n. 165   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON SCHEDA a 165 supplenzeAAeAT

4 March 17

04/03/2017 FLC-CGIL Appeal for full recognition of pre-service role, wage shots.

You publish as received by the Trade Union FLC-CGIL School. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON FLC CGIL action for integral pre-service recognition role wage shots precarious staff

4 March 17

04/03/2017 Relative to the strike called for Proclamation Federated 17/03/2017

You publish as received from Federated Union. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON On 17 MARCH 2017-DON'T FOLLOW OTHER PROCLAMATIONS (2)

4 March 17

04/03/2017 COBAS strike 17/03/2017

You publish as received by the Trade Union COBAS the headmaster Regent Willie MASON COBAS strike 17.3.17

24 February 17


You Publish, for the vision teachers and ATA, the flier CISL APPEAL PRE_RUOLO SERVICE. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON CISL APPEAL PRE_RUOLO SERVICE (1)

18 February 17

18/02/2017 – Union flier Feder ATA

You publish the flyer of the Feder ATA to the object : The great fear for the birth and growth of consensus of the only Union for the ATA staff the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON the great fear for the birth and growth of consensus dellunico Union for the ATA staff

17 February 17

17/02/2017 – Training course sponsored by GILDA

You publish the avveso received by the Trade Union GUILD on the training course: The scrawl to Scripture and what is in the Middle. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON GUILD TRAINING