Last review: 2 November 2016

Board of statutory auditors

2 November 16

02/11/2016 – Art teachers Association education agreement. 33 Guild of teachers

You publish as received from : 33 TEACHERS ASSOCIATION ART. – Teachers ' Guild Prov. Venice TRAINING COURSE: "THE SCRAWL TO SCRIPTURE AND WHAT LIES SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN". HANDWRITING LEARNING: THE BABY GRAPHIC PATH – THE SCRAWL TO CURSIVE. period: November 2016 – February 2017 Aperto agli insegnanti della scuola »

25 October 16

25/10/2016 We publish, for watching, acts from unions

We publish, for the vision teachers and ATA, acts from the head teacher Unions Regent Bertilla MASON Strike 04_11_2016_Sindacato SGB School professional engineer figure even in comprehensive schools

19 October 16

19/10/2016 – Feder ATA Union leaflet

You publish as received from Feder ATA the headmaster Regent Willie MASON professional engineer figure even in comprehensive schools

15 October 16

15/10/2016 – Flyer Feder ATA

You publish as posted by Feder ATA the headmaster Regent Bertilla Federated short of immediate restoration asks substitutes MASON ATA staff

14 October 16

14/10/2016 – SNALS Tab 160

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto dal sindacato SNALS Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Scheda 160

12 October 16

12/10/2016 – Seminar of the RSU and shop stewards UIL SCHOOL

You publish as received from UIL Uil School seminar SCHOOL rsu and delegates the headmaster Regent Willie Mason

10 October 16

10-10-2016 – SNALS Union communication

You publish, to open the school staff, communication from the Trade Union SNALS. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Snals

10 October 16

10-10-2016 – UNION Trade Union Assembly Proclamation SNALS

We publish, for teachers and staff A.T.A., acts from external parties. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON SNALS Assemblea Sindacale

6 October 16

06/10/2016 – Union flier Feder ATA

You publish the flyer of the Feder ATA the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON school staff ATA ensures operation of the school system

1 October 16

01/10/2016 – Union flyer Privacy and transparency

You publish, on the Board of statutory auditors, the flier SNALS Union : Privacy and transparency. The head teacher Willie MASON Privacy and transparency