Last review: 30 September 2016

Board of statutory auditors

30 September 16

30-09-2016 We publish, for watching, acts from Unions

We publish, to open the school staff, acts from Unions. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON RETURNED The VENICE SEMINAR 1 OCTOBER 2016 First meetings training RSU ott2016

15 September 16

15/09/2016 – Union leaflet : The work ATA in bargaining of Institute

You publish as received from the FLC CGIL national . 2016-04-atanews

26 August 16

26/08/2016 – Basic General Union – A school MultiATA

You publish as received by the Trade Union General. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin a school crippled-1

11 August 16

11/08/2016 – Press release-Union Feder ATA

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto da Feder ATA La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin IMMISSIONI IN RUOLO ATA

3 August 16

03/08/2016 – Union information Feder. A.T.A.. –

You publish as received by Feder. A.T.A..   Federated – CALLS FOR RESTORING ORGANIC ATA PLACES OF LAW

28 July 16

28/07/2016 – Union flier Feder. ATA

You publish the Trade Union colantino Feder. ATA La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin

27 July 16

26/07/2016 – Union flier Feder ATA

Si pubblica il volantino sindacale di Federe ATA La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin IMMISSIONE IN RUOLO PRECARI ATA

21 July 16

21/07/2016 – Note Union Feder. ATA

You publish the note from the Union Feder. ATA La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin ABUSO CONTRATTI OLTRE 36 MONTHS

5 July 16

05/07/2016 – Union note Feder. A.T.A.. – Organic 2016/2017

You publish the note of Feder. A.T.A..   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin LETTERA MINISTRI DOTAZIONI ORGANICHE ATA

24 June 16

24/06/2016 – Press release-Union Feder a.t.a..

You publish a statement of Feder a.t.a..   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin D DAY ATA 16 JULY 2016