Last review: 13 February 2016

Board of statutory auditors

13 February 16

13/02/2016 – Unitary Trade Union Assembly ATA staff for the day 19/02/2016

You publish the flyer received from unions : FLC C.G.I. L. – CISL – UIL Scuola – SNALS Confsal – Guild Union Assembly unit UNAMS ATA staff for the day 19/02/2016.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin DISTRETTO 35 – conv. poster – 19.02.2016  

1 February 16

01/02/2016 – SNALS Tab 158 – Delegation security functions

You publish the card SNALS 158 received at the date hereof and on safety – Delega funzioni La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin SCHEDA a 158 delegation security functions (1)

15 January 16

15/01/2016 – Feder ATA proclaiming State of agitation

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto da feder ATA in merito alla proclamazione dello stato di agitazione del personale La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin feder. a.t.a..

14 January 16

14/01/2016 – Card SNALS n. 157

You publish on the Bulletin Board of Auditors the Board SNALS n. 157   The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin notes 157 ptof(1)

13 January 16

13/01/2016 – U.I. L. 107_2015 Law School Conference debate

You publish a brochure on the Convention debate of the day 22/01/2016 related to Law 107/2015 – Legge di riforma della scuola La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin convegno 22 genn. 2016 Padua-1 program 22 genn. 2016 Padova

14 December 15

14/12/2014 – Card SNALS Evaluation Committee 3

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto da SNALS Confsal relativo al Comitato di Valutazione La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin SCHEDA a 156 evaluation report3 (1)

10 December 15

10/12/2015 – Card SNALS _ Evaluation Committee

Si pubblica la scheda SNALS di Venezia relativa al Comitato di Valutazione La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin SCHEDA a 155 valutazione2 (W 52 KB)

14 August 15

14/08/2015 – Proclamation staff ATA School sector Strike

The Trade Union UNICOBAS/school ran a series of strike actions to the School sector from 1 September 2015 and with term 30 September 2015. READ THE COMMUNICATION (in pdf format)