Last review: 21 February 2018


21 February 18

Search alert teachers for primary school and nursery

You publish, to open to interested parties, the search alert, primary school teachers and children. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MACE Bolo teachers for primary school and nursery

21 February 18

70 years of the Italian Constitution: Distribution of the text of the Constitution at schools of all levels

You publish the letter of the Minister of education, V. Faithful, addressed to all students and all students, any level, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Italian Constitution. Regent School Director Daniela MAZZA I 70 years of the Constitution: Letter of the Minister of education, V. Faithful

8 February 18

08/02/2018 – School rankings publication 2017/2020 classes of competition with artistic titles

Si informa che sul sito internet è stato pubblicato il provvedimento n. 1841 of 7/2/2018 con il quale sono pubblicate le Graduatorie d’Istituto 2017/2020 del I e II grado in data 7 February 2018 relative ESCLUSIVAMENTE alle classi di concorso interessate dalla valutazione dei punteggi dei titoli artistici. Nell’apposita pagina dedicate alle graduatorie di »

7 February 18

Corrigendum deadline the national competition for schools-mothers of the Constitution- pushed forward to 23 February 2018

You publish as received by the Ministry I.U. R. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Rettifica termine di scadenza del concorso nazionale per le scuole -Le madri della Costituzione- pushed forward to 23 February 2018

6 February 18

National Conference On Andis- Jesolo, 16-17 February 2018

You publish the National Conference program ANDIS. Il Dirigente Scolastico REGGENTE Daniela MAZZA PROGRAMMA Convegno Nazionale ANDIS Jesolo 2018

30 January 18

MIUR-musical body course- Listening movement expression – Padova, 2-3-24 March 2018

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto dal Ministero I.U.R.- IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Programma e info iscrizione 2017 2018 Scheda iscrizione

30 January 18

Event – The day of remembrance-

You publish as received by the Ministry I.U. R. – IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Il Giorno del ricordo

30 January 18

Conference-Otherness and culture of peace- 16 Edition 20 February 2018 at Auditorium Cassamarca Foundation of Treviso

You publish as received by the Ministry I.U. R. – IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Convegno – Cultura di pace – Programma Scheda di iscrizione

29 January 18

Filming history – National competition for audiovisual works

You publish as received by the Ministry I.U. R. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA MIUR.AOOUSPVE.REGISTRO_UFFICIALE(U).0001292.25-01-2018[1]    

29 January 18

Digital school with TIM – Faculty application

You publish as received by the Ministry I.U. R. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA A scuola di digitale con TIM – Faculty application