Last review: 27 September 2017


27 September 17

27/09/2017 The Column Onlus – Volunteer party –

You publish as received by the Association Onlus “the column” in Mirano. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Column Onlus – Volunteer party –

27 September 17

27/09/2017 World day of the teacher 5 October

You publish as received from the Trade Union Guild-teachers. The headmaster Regent Daniela BAT world day of the teacher 5 October

26 September 17


You publish the opening to the public from 25/09/2017. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA ORARIO DI APERTURA AL PUBBLICO

21 September 17

21/09/2017 – Final rankings

We inform you that the final school rankings I ^ childhood range, primary, educational staff II ^ childhood range, primary, educational staff, secondary education I and II grade III ^ personal educational range, secondary education I and II degree shall be published in the special section of the register of this educational institution. Si precisa che il punteggio degli aspiranti inclusi nelle graduatorie »

15 September 17

15/09/2017 – Minutes of the teaching of 4/9/2017

Please be advised that in restricted Area – Teachers – Collective bodies is published the minutes of which concerned, This is a draft, teachers can send comments.     The HEADMASTER REGENT Daniela MAZZA

6 September 17

Protected: 06/09/2017 – Material related to the training course dr. Magrino

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

28 August 17

28/08/2017 – Provisional rankings publication 2 and 3 secondary range

With device 13775 of 26/08/2017 the Director of the Office – Headquarters in Mestre – of the regional school for the Veneto has prepared the publication, today, Provisional ranking school 2 di circolo e ^ 3 e ^ regarding range: -scuola secondaria di I grado Si precisa che il punteggio degli aspiranti inclusi nelle »

18 August 17

18/08/2017 – Urgent provisions relating to vaccine preventable, of infectious diseases and drug disputes-First operational guidance to educational institutions

You publish as received from M.I.U. R. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla AOODPIT REGISTRO_UFFICIALE MASON MIUR(U) 0001622 16-08-20171 all 1

10 August 17

10/08/2017 – VERITAS Group – Environmental education projects

You publish as agreed by the Group Veritas. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON brochure environmental education for schools 2017-18 Veritas

25 July 17

24/07/2017 – Regulations adopted by the Board at its meeting on 18/07/2017

Please note that the page dedicated to the regulations are published the following acts, adopted by the Council of the Institute on 18/07/2017: Regulation implementing regulation of the status of student educational trips and students Regulation Istituto Comprensivo Statale “Giovanni Gabrieli” Regulation musical address the headmaster Regent Willie Mason