Last review: 4 July 2017


4 July 17

04/07/2017 – Indicators average time of payment 2 ^ Quarter 2017

You publish the index of 2 ^ Quarter 2017 related to the indicators average time of payment. Indicators average time of payment 2 quarter 2017 The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason

12 June 17

12/09/2017 – Oral tests list by Monday’ 19 June 2017 – Licensing exams 2016/2017 –

Licensing exams 2016/2017 You publish the calendar of orals Monday’ 19 June 2017 . Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente BERTILLA MASON Calendario prove orali esami licenza media

7 June 17

07/06/2017 Circ. 298 Regularization inscriptions school year 17-18

You publish the Circ. 298 Regularization inscriptions school year 17 – 18. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 298 Regularization inscriptions a.s.. 17 – 18

7 June 17

07/06/2017 Provincial Protocol for actions to combat bullying and cyber bullying – activities planned for a. S. 2017-2018

You publish as received from the Veneto regional education offices. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON provincial Protocol for enforcement actions to bullying and cyber bullying – activities 2017-18  

10 May 17

10/05/2017 Republic day 2 June

You publish as received from the Municipal Administration. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON Republic day 2 June

9 May 17

09/05/2017 School transport 2017-18 – method

You publish as received by the Education Department of the municipality of Mirano. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON school transport 2017-2018

26 April 17

26/04/2017 Rolp cooperation and Inclusiveness Conference

You publish as received by the Institute “Gritti” of Venice. The headmaster Regent Bertilla rolp cooperation and inclusiveness Convention MASON

18 April 17

18/04/2017 MAMMArt Event

You publish the Platea in the event “Mamm'Art”. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON MAMMart 2017 poster

14 April 17

14/04/2017 Bimbimbici 2017

You publish as received by the municipality of Mirano. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Bimbimbici 2017

1 April 17

Training sessions for teachers and parents: ADHD and DSA-the relationship between the two disorders;How to implement effective interventions.

You publish as received from the Veneto regional education offices. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON MIUR training sessions for teachers and parents – ADHD and DSA-the relationship between the two disorders-how to implement effective interventions AID Evening about dyslexia