Last review: 27 March 2017


27 March 17

27/03/2017 Refresher courses for teachers

You publish as received from the Veneto regional education offices. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON courses for teachers of all levels in the educational offer Yoga Courses Educational FAIRY TALE

27 March 17

27/03/2017 anniversary of the treaties of Rome

You publish as received by the Ministry of education. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON MIUR 60 Years of the treaties of Rome

27 March 17

27/03/2017 Project Kidsuniversity Venice – Full program and participation Form

You publish as received from “Group The Pleiades” of Venice. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Lettera Invito Kidsuniversity Venezia Programma Scuole Kidsuniversity Venezia Modulo Iscrizione Kidsuniversity Venezia Lettera Concorso Sostieni il tuo obiettivo

24 March 17

24/03/2017 World autism awareness day – 2 April

You publish as received from the Veneto regional education offices. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Autism – 2 April

23 March 17

23/03/2017 Bandio international competition-gold slipper-

You publish as received from the school office in the Veneto region. The head teacher Award Invitation-Golden Slipper Regent James MASON- SCU2017

21 March 17

21/03/2017 UNIVERSITA LA SAPIENZA – Video lessons on-citizenship and Constitution-

You publish as received by the University “La Sapienza” of Rome. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON UNIVERSITY LA SAPIENZA – Video lessons on-citizenship and Constitution-

17 March 17

17/03/2017 – World day of Autism-Regional Conference in Padua

You publish as received from the Veneto regional education offices. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON autism 2017 – 7 April 2017 Regional Conference in Padua brochure

14 March 17

14/03/2017 – Day of remembrance and commitment

Si pubblica la locandina relativa alla giornata della memoria e dell’impegno Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason Giornata della memoria e impegno

13 March 17

13/03/2017 Convocation secondary school class tips

You publish, for communication to representatives of parents of secondary school, the summoning of March class tips 2017. The headmaster Regent secondary school Class tips Summons Willie MASON

13 March 17

13/03/2017 Us and them dialogue between teens and adults training course

You publish as received from IIPR, Italian Institute of psychology of the relationship. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON us and them _ dialogue between teens and training adulti_Corso