Last review: 28 December 2016


28 December 16

28/12/2016 – Publication regulation nursery school

You publish the regulation on nursery school approved by C.. in date 25.11.2016   The Headmaster regent Bertilla Mason Childhood School Regulations Institute Council 25-11-2016 – Resolution 49

28 December 16

28/12/2016 – Publication of the minutes of the teaching of 11/8/2016

Please be advised that in restricted area is published the minutes of the teaching of the day 8 November 2016   Regent Headmaster Bertilla Mason

13 December 16

13/12/2016 Evidence and Christmas concert 19/12/2016

You publish, for watching parents musical Alumni, the Circ. # 136 tests and Christmas concert 19/12/2016. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON circ-136-evidence-and-concert-of-Christmas

29 November 16

29/11/2016 – Republish alerts to external expert specializing in literature and art

We inform you that have been republished alerts for other sources of external experts specialized in literature and art as were missing annexes.   Il Dirigente scolastico reggente Bertlla Mason

29 November 16

29/11/2019 – Publication notice of selection external expert for Plexus project PAN by CAMPOCROCE

Please be advised that by application below was posted on the site l’ Notice of selection for contract work with external expert expert qualified Plexus project music “Pellico” by Campocroce (Ve) Bulletin Number 65/2016 Date 29/11/2016 Reference code Prot. 8497/C20 on 29/11/2016 Oggetto Avviso di selezione per contratto di »

14 November 16

14/11/2016 Warning from territorial education Office

You publish, l’avviso pervenuto dall’Ufficio Scolastico Territoriale di Venezia Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON avviso-per-i-candidati-che-devono-sostenere-la-prova-orale-del-concorso-scuola-primaria-eee

2 November 16

02/11/2016 – Art teachers Association education agreement. 33 Guild of teachers

You publish as received from : 33 TEACHERS ASSOCIATION ART. – Teachers ' Guild Prov. Venice TRAINING COURSE: "THE SCRAWL TO SCRIPTURE AND WHAT LIES SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN". HANDWRITING LEARNING: THE BABY GRAPHIC PATH – THE SCRAWL TO CURSIVE. period: November 2016 – February 2017 Aperto agli insegnanti della scuola »

26 October 16

26/10/2016 – We publish, for watching, acts from external parties

We publish, for teachers and staff ATA, acts from external parties. The head teacher James MASON-Lab membership card Regent Experiential press Authors in Corte_Mirano 28 Ottobre Iscrizione corsi PON Snodi Formativi Territoriali Manuale iscrizione PON docenti Manuale iscrizione PON personale ATA

22 October 16

22/10/2016 – Anticipating class Council of multi-age class of dance’

It announced that the day Monday’ 7 November 2016 at Plexus “Manzoni” of dance’ will be held the class Council of multi-age class, hourly scan its parents is established at 17.00. The circular is visible in the relevant section.   il Dirigente scolastico reggente Bertilla Mason

22 October 16

22/10/2016 – PTOF voted on 06/10/2016

Please note that in the puibblicato PTOF educational offer plan page has been updated as of the date of 06/10/2016   The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason