Last review: 18 November 2016


21 October 16

21/10/2016 – I.T.C. Orientation S. “Maria Lai” DOLO

You publish the leaflet sent by the. T.C. S. “Maria Lai” of malice (Ve).   The Regent School Director Bertilla MASON FOLDABLE ITCS Maria Lazzari

15 September 16

15/09/2016 – Union leaflet : The work ATA in bargaining of Institute

You publish as received from the FLC CGIL national . 2016-04-atanews

11 September 16

02/09/2016 – Various acts in vision teachers

10 September 16

10/09/2016-We publish, for watching, acts from external parties

We publish, Faculty vision, acts from external parties. The headmaster Regent Bertilla educational museums MASON University Padua

10 September 16

10/09/2016-Documents in vision to staff teachers from source estena

We publish, Faculty vision, acts from external parties. The headmaster Regent Bertilla AdM_2016 WEB booking contract-program-MASON schools DsD Program 2016 2016_sett_proposte_didattiche _SISAM_ scheda iscrizione sguardi che ascoltano

10 September 16

09/09/2016 – Publishing various proposals received from external parties

The following documents are published in order of vision on the part of the teaching staff. The headmaster Regent Bertilla Mason faculty vision documents 1 Faculty vision documents 2 Faculty vision documents 3 Faculty vision documents 4 Faculty vision documents 5  

8 September 16

08/09/2016 – View “Plantarium” – Casa dei Carraresi (TV)

Dear Institute, you send the brochure of the exhibition “Plantarium” to be held at the offices of Casa dei Carraresi (Treviso), from 22 October 2016 at the 8 December 2017. The exhibition aims to lead students in the beautiful plant Kingdom, dealing with scientific subjects of major importance in an easy way, direct, con il supporto di »

8 September 16

08/09/2016 – CO. GE. S DON LORENZO MILANI: support for educational institutions

For the attention of Executive, VP and local representatives, every year many Schools are supported by the social cooperative co. Ge.. Don Lorenzo Milani driven by different needs and intentions related to the colourful world of adolescents. Co. Ge.. and the institutes pursue synergy the purpose of health promotion in the school context, offrendo ai ragazzi occasioni di crescita e »

2 September 16

02/09/2016 – Notes for vision teachers

Si pubblicano alcune note per visione al personale docente La Dirigente Scolastica Reggente dott.ssa Bertilla MASON Note per visione docenti

31 August 16

31/08/2016 – Improvement plan

Please note that the page on the assessment is posted on the Institute's improvement plan. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin